Closed Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by guylasri2206, Oct 30, 2018.

  1. guylasri2206

    guylasri2206 Member

    Your Character Names:Guylasri, merlinX, and more which I don't remember
    Last thing you did: killing bigfoot
    Why do you think you got banned?: no idea, I had no hacking software or any kind of third party.
    Ban message when attempting to log in: "Your account has been blocked for hacking or illegal use of third party programs you can log in after
    november\13\2018 4:03 pm"
    What GM banned you (optional): idk
  2. PaddysPub

    PaddysPub Donator

    You were banned for 14 days for glitch abuse.
  3. guylasri2206

    guylasri2206 Member

    didn't know that its a not permitted its not hack or something its just a glitch which u guys suppose to fix, can it be delayed just for me to get the zombie ring in the event please its once in a year.
  4. Yan

    Yan Donator

    you were caught abusing meso explosion on your character Guylasri by a gm, the evidence even shows that when the bigfoot was low hp you stopped abusing the glitch and started using boomerang step to finish it, that is because you knew about the glitch. you'll be able to play again at 2018-11-13 16:03:09, unfortunately we are not going to delay your ban. make sure to not abuse a glitch again as the second offence warrants a permanent ban.
  5. guylasri2206

    guylasri2206 Member

    I started use boombrang because if u finish the bf and ghost hits u at the same time u lose all the exp gain by bf and he doesnt drop loot which this is also a bug in the game worth mentionining i know that it is a glitch i said that i just didnt know its worng in this server , i am sorry anyways i will understand if you dont want to make it just a warning since it only my first time.
  6. Muff

    Muff Donator

    A 14 day ban is your warning. Account creation means you agreed to abide by the game rules, however you have broken this one by abusing the glitch.


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