Closed Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by asadaf009, May 20, 2022.

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  1. asadaf009

    asadaf009 Member

    ll Your Character Names: LamaMaCara, Shurican, Milfsniper
    Last thing you did: my friend use MACRO
    Why do you think you got banned?: MY friend used MACRO to help us lvl up
    Ban message when attempting to log in: THIS is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection
    What GM banned you (optional): i think KENNY
    you can see that i play for a long time on this server,
    my friend tried MACRO Keys for the first time and i joined him - it raise me 30%(i think) and I leave after that...
    Please, I know my mistake and it will never happen again
    This USER is very important to me - and i have never did anything else then say that MAPLEROYALS is the best server
    Please forgive me and let me play again :)
    Have a great weekend
  2. Dasha

    Dasha Donator

    Hello! Have you listed all of your characters? :)
  3. asadaf009

    asadaf009 Member

    yea that all in this account
  4. Dasha

    Dasha Donator

    Thank you for your quick reply! It looks like your suspicions are correct and you have been permanently banned for partying up with a macro botter.

    Punishment: Permanent ban.

    Associative Rule-breaking - This rule encompasses benefiting from any rule-breaker who may be in your party or otherwise causing you to benefit. This includes actions such as the robotic casting of Holy Symbol, party quest glitch abuse, or a character using hacks in your party. Leniency may be applied to players who could not have known the situation, as well as to players who report the situation to MapleRoyals Staff. If you are ever unsure of what is occurring, we strongly recommend that you leave the party and remove yourself from the presence of the rule-breaking individual.

    Game Hacking
    - The act of using or benefiting from any third-party program or macro program, editing or defacing any part of the game to gain any sort of advantage over other players, or otherwise selling, advertising, distributing, or posting information related to the act. You are allowed to rebind keys in a 1:1 action matter with third-party software as there is no direct benefit in doing that overusing the default keys. We also allow the use of controllers and remapping software for example, as long as the player can reply while playing to not be mistaken for a bot. Please be aware that scripted macro programs which control your character will be considered a game hack and subject to punishment under this rule, and not under Moderate Infraction - 5. Robotic Play.
  5. asadaf009

    asadaf009 Member

    Hello Dasha and thank you
    As i said above, i knew that in the middle of the party and i quit after that.

    Is there anything else i can do to release it from ban ? that situation was a poor decision for a very short time.
  6. Dasha

    Dasha Donator

    Your honesty is greatly appreciated, however, even if you were unaware of your friend's intention of using a macro to train both of your characters, the responsibility to keep the MapleRoyals TOS lies with you as a player.

    Sadly, as you have gained an unfair advantage by partying up with a rule-breaker, therefore, your permanent ban will remain.
  7. asadaf009

    asadaf009 Member

    Well, permanent ban for being in a party for a very short time with a macro guy without knowing it, is a very aggresive.
    you can watch me form now and you will see, I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN.

    it is not enough for you guys ? How many time do i need to say I AM SORRY ?
  8. Dasha

    Dasha Donator

    Some of the game rules might appear extremely harsh as the MapleRoyals staff does prioritize fair gameplay above all, however, you have agreed to these rules upon creating your character and by doing so made a commitment to keep them in order to maintain access to the server and its content. I'm sorry if this isn't the reply you were hoping for, but your permanent ban will remain indefinitely.
  9. asadaf009

    asadaf009 Member

    Well i hope you all burn in hell and also lose all your fun in life.
  10. Dasha

    Dasha Donator

    Have a great weekend! ^_^'
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