Closed Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by onekeystory, Nov 24, 2023.

  1. onekeystory

    onekeystory Donator

    ALL Your Character Names:
    Raffinato, BiueExorcist, hikare and other mules​

    Last thing you did:
    I was selling skele leech

    Why do you think you got banned?: I have no idea, I wasn't playing these days. I cannot login today and I have tried restarting my router but it didn't work.

    Ban message when attempting to log in:
    Blocked or deleted from connection

    What GM banned you (optional):
    No idea
  2. Kenny

    Kenny Donator

    Please list all your characters’ name
  3. onekeystory

    onekeystory Donator

    Raffinato, BiueExorcist, hikare, hidori, Sagra, himizu, kokosuki, kagarii, OneKeyStory, SugerLife, Marantz, narratives, CPQLeech, SunDance, unlasting, CrashRoyals1, CrashRoyals2, CrashRoyals3, SeduceMule, DoorMule1, DoorMule2, Bytecoin

    and the others are just buff/potion/etc/storage mule that I can't remember their ign correctly, i can provide account id to admin if needed.
  4. Kenny

    Kenny Donator

    Thanks for listing them all. Do you recognize the IGN OreoStorage?
  5. onekeystory

    onekeystory Donator

    Yes, it's one of my storage mule.
  6. Kenny

    Kenny Donator

    You were permanently banned for soliciting rwt. Would you like to explain the origin of your items and meso?
  7. onekeystory

    onekeystory Donator

    I accumulate my wealth by bossing, solo bossing, farming, voting daily throughout the years that I am playing. May I ask what specific details do you guys want to verify?
  8. Kenny

    Kenny Donator

    Could you please explain the origin of your 18att FS?
  9. onekeystory

    onekeystory Donator

    Yes, I have the 18wa shoe for a long time. I bought it from IGN: Seige in game, but I cannot remember the exact date as it was an in game deal. I message him via pm in game but I forgot which character I used to message him, maybe it was the storage mule, or hikare. This was the only screnshot that I found related to my storage mule.

  10. Kenny

    Kenny Donator

    I am referring to the new 18att FS you got in early September 2023
  11. onekeystory

    onekeystory Donator

    This is the only 18wa fs that I have all time, I don't have a new fs as you said, I already provided the screenshot i could find with this fs and my mule that you requested.
  12. Kenny

    Kenny Donator

    You were using a 16att FS earlier this year and I am not sure what happened to your previous 18att FS

    However, based on our records, it looks like you got a brand new 18att FS on your character OreoStorage from a known RWT seller, and then passed it to your main character hidori
  13. onekeystory

    onekeystory Donator

    I did not have another brand new 18wa FS. Like i've said I only have one 18wa fs at all time. And yes, I was using 16wa fs on my mule and I downgraded it to 14wa recently. So my char should hold one 18wa fs and one 14wa fs right now, you can verify my inventory.

    I always only have that one pair of FS I trade long time ago, and I already provide you the origin.

    Oreo is only a storage mule for me to store and pass gear to my mules. I do not recall any interaction with any suspicious "known rwter", can you check your logs for time/date so I can see if I can any SS of the trade? Although I rarely use storage mule for trade. I normally just use my main for any trade.

    By what you mentioned, I should have another pair of 18wa FS if I involved in rwt? But I never had 2 pairs of 18wa FS. How does it make any sense to say that my 18wa FS disappeared and become another one from rwt seller?
  14. Kenny

    Kenny Donator

    Your claim does not match our records at all. Our records show that you obtained them from a known rwt seller. With that being said, your appeal is denied.

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