Closed Ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by Racquel, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. Racquel

    Racquel Well-Known Member

    Character Names: Racquel, Recquel, Racquei, Recquei
    Last thing you did: Von Leon few days ago
    Why do you think you got banned?: No idea? My 25 wa boots?
    Ban message when attempting to log in: this is an id that has been deleted or blocked from connection
    What GM banned you (optional): My 25 wa boots?
  2. Kenny

    Kenny Donator

    Please list all your characters' name
  3. Racquel

    Racquel Well-Known Member

    stores too? bosshamsap, sleepforweak, one more Warrior/HB store I cant remember the ign
  4. Kenny

    Kenny Donator

    What about MeeG0reng?
  5. Racquel

    Racquel Well-Known Member

    Yes! MeeG0reng is the HB store ign
  6. Kenny

    Kenny Donator

    You were permanently banned for soliciting rwt. Would you like to explain the origin of your meso and item pls? I see your first character was created in 2023/08/01

    btw, do you still have the 25att shoes on you?
  7. Racquel

    Racquel Well-Known Member

    Nope the shoe is with LazyBub, her wa 14 is with me.

    For mesos, I got like almost no mesos in my accounts?

    Items are mostly self scrolled or slowly upgraded along the way
    Cape - Wa 14 cape self scrolled from CWK
    Glove - Wa 19 , Started from buying wa 15 - Top up to 16 den top up to 18 and lastly 4b top up to wa 19
    Shoe - Wa 25 Self scrolled from 3/6 VL bought at 1.2b 1 month ago i think, 8/5 > 13/4 > 17/3 > 17/2 > 20/1 > 25/0
    RC - wa 56/11 from elin exchange passed 4 30%, ws+10% after KCs and Wa 134 Self scrolled Nisrock sale
    Nose - 12dex bought for 2b
    Earring EP - bought fot 800m
    Top - Bought for 1.2b
    Btm - Bought for 600-800m I think

    My mage was the main account previously, diluted everything, started bm and diluted before starting NL

    First character was created in 2023/08/01 but you can look at the amount of hours i been playing, on average 12-14 hours+ per day until recently weeks i have semi-quit
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2024
  8. Kenny

    Kenny Donator

    Your claim doesn't match our records at all. In addition, looks like you started rwt-ing just 2 weeks after creating your first character!
  9. Racquel

    Racquel Well-Known Member

    Huh? can you enlighten me on what i RWT 2 weeks from creating my 1st charc?
  10. Kenny

    Kenny Donator


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