Closed Banned

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by broom, Nov 5, 2016.

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  1. broom

    broom Active Member

    Nov 27, 2014
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    Character Name: Broom
    Last thing you did: A personal problem between me and someone
    Why do you think you got banned?: Ban evading, (because i was young, I was 12 years old, now I'm 15) BUT HEY IM OLD ENOUGH TO PLAY NOW!
    Ban message when attempting to log in: Banned for evading? But, I got unbanned already before, this server gave me one more chance, and I didn't go back to FM spamming, I was in FM1 shopping then someone came, and we started a problem.
    What GM banned you (optional): Dimitri

    Read below my comment
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
    Goofy and NMNA like this.
  2. broom

    broom Active Member

    Nov 27, 2014
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    Oh, and I also wanted my old account back too, but the GM's refused. It's alright, but I don't get it. Because I got a chance for playing again. I was underaged, but now I'm old enough to play...
    The GM's said it themselves that they would unban me if I'm old enough to play. And, it happened, but now banned again for banned evading? I mean, I was banned from the start just because I was young. I'm 15 now, come on mapleroyals. I admit, when I was young, I use to keep rejoining, because I love this server, sure I'm annoying, mean sometimes, but I wasn't bothering anyone this time. I'm 15 now, and I know I'm not breaking the rules for that.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
    Goofy and NMNA like this.
  3. Dimitri

    Dimitri Saint of Horses

    Dec 15, 2014
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    I can't find any evidence of you ever having been unbanned so I'm not sure where you're getting this from at all.
    Alex made a ban appeal for you a few years ago which was denied for the reason that you had to make it yourself.
    Having checked your posting history I don't see you having made any ban appeals, which is why your old accounts are still banned.
    You originally got banned in March 2014 by Marty, and later got rebanned in June and July of 2014 for ban evading.
    In November 2014 you made Broom on a new account on a new IP / MAC address, meaning you were once again ban evading your old ban.
    Though a bit late, since all your old accounts are still banned, we've decided to ban this one as well since you were never unbanned by any of the Staff members.
    Bacon, NMNA and Eika like this.
  4. broom

    broom Active Member

    Nov 27, 2014
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    Goofy and NMNA like this.
  5. broom

    broom Active Member

    Nov 27, 2014
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    @Dimitri I couldn't make ban appeals, because I was banned on forums too, but luckily to that thread(from one of my closest friends) They got me unbanned.
    Goofy and NMNA like this.
  6. broom

    broom Active Member

    Nov 27, 2014
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    @Dimitri I'm also old enough to play now.... So I think I should be unbanned :-/ Because, I was 12 (That's why I was banned by marty) Dude, I can show you my passport if you want :-/ Just let me get back, I'm 15 now....
    Goofy and NMNA like this.
  7. broom

    broom Active Member

    Nov 27, 2014
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    @Dimitri Let me explain this one more time, I was unbanned after I got old enough to play. Then now banned AGAIN for DOING NOTHING? I mean I was 12, I'm old enough to play! Come on I'm 15 .... I mean how long do I have to wait till I'm 99? That was the reason I got banned I should get unbanned, it says it all in the rules 13+, I'm 15 now. And, I have different IP, because I always buy new laptops, since my laptops keep breaking (I don't have a good quality one), and always it gets slower(I play too much games), and I travel a lot..... Well yeah.... WHATS THE BENEFIT FOR BANNING ME? REALLY!!! I'M NOT EVEN TALKING WITH ANYONE, BUT MY FRIENDS.... I DIDN'T BREAK RULES BUT ONLY BECAUSE OF MY OLD AGE IM OLD ENOUGH PLEASE JUST COME ON IM REALLY UPSET COME ON!!!! THIS SERVER IS WHERE I HAD MY MEMORIES ON IT I DONT WANT TO REPEAT EVERYTHING!!!
    Goofy and NMNA like this.
  8. Dimitri

    Dimitri Saint of Horses

    Dec 15, 2014
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    In a normal situation where a player gets banned for being underage and waits until the age of 13 to return to MapleRoyals, we would unban that player.
    However you have to keep in mind that you got banned in March 2014 by Marty, got banned for ban evasion in June 2014 by GI, then rebanned again for ban evasion in July 2014 by Tommy, rebanned another time for ban evasion in August 2014 by Robb, then evaded this ban again in November 2014 when you made Broom. I suppose you should be able to understand that if you evade a certain ban this many times, that you lose the right to be unbanned by the time you actually reached the age of 13. At this point we are no longer willing to unban you despite you being at the age of 15 now.
    Zynzer, Jeen, yes and 6 others like this.
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