Chali / Baas

Discussion in 'Introductions and Farewells' started by Grootvader, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. Grootvader

    Grootvader Member

    Been permanently banned for account sharing. Been on and off on the server for a long time and enjoyed it mucho. I knew the rules and the risk of being banned, yet I did not really see this coming.

    Thanks peeps, keep the Selected spirit alive ~f14

    ~ Chali / Baas
    cDonut, GabrielTydings and Darklit like this.
  2. Jahwjgb

    Jahwjgb Active Member

    Fuakah know Chali
    Fuakah sad when Chali is gone.
  3. iRelentless

    iRelentless Member

    awww... gl in life man.
  4. ismokecactus

    ismokecactus Member

    aww shit.. gonna miss you man :/
  5. Mushy

    Mushy Member

    Oh no.. and now I regret not joining your guild with at least one of my alts. It would have been an honor. You kept pressuring me and I kept saying I'll think about it. I'll miss you a lot. ~f4

    I wish the best of luck to you, Chali. Long live your afro!
  6. PaoPao

    PaoPao Donator

    Ayee, I still remember you kpqing with me when I was making my bish looooong ago. See ya, Chali. Glhf
  7. Julie

    Julie Donator

    FLOOOO NOOOOO! ! ! ! D:
  8. Darklit

    Darklit Well-Known Member

    Hey Flo,

    Thanks for accepting me into the guild and bringing me to fight bosses. You will definitely be missed!


    Attached Files:

  9. Lucie

    Lucie Donator

    Just found out today -.-' OMFG >.<!

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