Decent mouse

Discussion in 'Tech Zone' started by Mekansm, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. Mekansm

    Mekansm Well-Known Member

    Seems like you guys know your stuff ;}
    Looking for something in $50-90 price range.
  2. zzz

    zzz Donator

  3. zystky™

    zystky™ Banned

    rival sensei / razer naga/taipan imo.
  4. Noreaga

    Noreaga Well-Known Member

    Comfort > everything if you play for couple hours on end without moving much.

    Unless its a Ball mouse. Then just throw it at the wall.
  5. Blade

    Blade Well-Known Member

    I don't care much as long as it can move fast, I can spam left/right click really fast. (Chief Bandit, lel.) No big deal.
  6. Celiu

    Celiu Well-Known Member

    Got a razer naga epic, right after my razer naga died. Best mouse I have ever had and still use today.
    Djgio likes this.
  7. Noreaga

    Noreaga Well-Known Member

  8. Manslut

    Manslut Well-Known Member

    I've been using a Logitech MX518 since around 05-06 and never looked back. Unfortunately it's been replaced by G400, and then G400s, which I've yet to try out, but will do once my precious has DGL'd it's last headshot (yes, I'm a CS 1.6 nerd, come at me).
    Jacek and Noreaga like this.
  9. Noreaga

    Noreaga Well-Known Member

    mm2 please.

    :D Counter Strike ftw
  10. Marty

    Marty Donator

    I've been using the Logitech G9x for quite a while now; the form of that mouse, however, is rather unorthodox and is therefore highly dependant on your own preferences.

    I LOVE the G9x, and it's rather cheap, too. I also agree with MyungSoo: The Naga's pretty neat.

    As Level 137 Shadower: I feel your desire to have the ability to do that. :p
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  11. Matt

    Matt Administrator

    My mouse progression went something like this...

  12. zystky™

    zystky™ Banned

    mine went something along the lines of




    the bottom two are my current mice. the mice i use i usually make them last, a very long time
  13. Jacek

    Jacek Well-Known Member

    R.A.T's are cool, Razers are fine, but if you want to have a mouse forever, just buy a logitech 518/g5 or IE 3.0
    If you want to play fps just chose the one that it fits in your hand, I cant imagine high sensivity in any fps. if you are going to play starcraft or some mmorpg just get a mouse with many buttons. btw. you should also think about some good surface. I highly recommend razer goliathus extended
    I had Razer Diamondback lava, then 3G, but both broke after 2/3 years in 1st one left click, in 3G scroll broke, heard the same about deathadder, now im using R.A.T 5 have to admit that its wonderfull, except sensor, dust make it fly from time to time.
  14. Manslut

    Manslut Well-Known Member

    Logitech mx518 does not last forever. I've soon used up the life expectancy of my 2nd copy, and in both cases it's been the chord that loses connectivity. Before the mx518 I had one of first releases of a Razer Diamondback (looked cool and damn did I pwn some noobs in cs with it :p). Also there the chord finally gave in to heavy usage.
  15. xFMJxDeman

    xFMJxDeman Donator

    I would suggest one of the Logitech products, Razer tends to give you lesser quality higher price, so I'm not a huge fan of them, sensei has the same issue. Check out something like the Logitech g500 or 600
  16. imadde

    imadde Well-Known Member

    Well if you only play maplestory it doesnt realy matter what kind of mouse you have in my opinion.
    Since i used to play cs 1.6 on a pretty high level it was realy important for me that the mouse laying (comfortable?) In your hand. And also so you could switch dpi and hz on the mouse. I would say zowie ec1 evo or steelseries sensei is one of the best mouse on the market out there.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
  17. Afee

    Afee Donator

    As a few members have already pointed out some very good suggestions, it really depends on what you plan to use it on. Think about what kind of games you play? If it is a mouse that you would use for general web browsing and daily all-rounder computer usage plus the odd MMO games you might only want to consider a cheap corded mouse by Logitech of Microsoft, or even a, dare I say it, wireless mouse for convenience.
  18. SorakaFlackaFlame

    SorakaFlackaFlame Donator

    I got a 3200 DPI mouse off of amazon for 8 bucks. Had it for a year and its still very functional and comfortable to use
  19. sin4it

    sin4it Active Member

    Logitech M525 ,you're welcome , BEAST MOUSE , Had it for about a year , I JUST LOVE IT.
  20. BravePotato

    BravePotato Member

    Logitech G400s very comftroble adjustable (8 buttons!) and has 3 years warranty!

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