Discussion in 'Selling' started by midwinter, Dec 4, 2020.
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Aw shoes IGN Wallyy in game
My boi so strongggg
thank you able to deal now? or in ~8 hours time
Sure I’ll online now! Thanks
23scg traded for 22scg+10b+1cs+1ws with Heby & Awaara in-game added 22scg for sale
18/0 cape traded for 14/2 FS with @Teeto 14/2 -> 10/1 -> 7/0 LMFAO 7/0 shoes added
rip ben
Would you take 20att scg plus top up for the 22?
not too keen on taking 20att gloves but i will value it as 15b if i have to. so 20att scg + 13b
i offer 20att scg +13b to 22 wa scg if you accpet xD
i'm online rn if you wanna deal
91/19 traded for 18att PGC with @PhonyHolden trading 18/0 cape for 16/2 cape or 14/2 shoes
8 att FS still available? If so I'd like to buy
added 11bfc, taking coins only for 18pgc or trade for 16/2
still have 20att gloves?
F, let me know if u make more 20att+ gloves im interested in buy one
i'll buy 10 att pgc white scrolls + coins ok?
traded 18/0 pgc for 16/2 bfc in-game 16/2->18/1->19/0 added 19/0 bfc
Separate names with a comma.