
Discussion in 'Introductions and Farewells' started by Hegemony, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. Hegemony

    Hegemony Member

    I'm Joyce.
    I used to play Maplestory, but I quit like 3 years ago.
    So, if you knew me before, I probably don't know you.
    Also a lot of people have the name Joyce, so don't assume I am who you think I am.

    I live in Southern California.
    I go to a UC (I suppose you can randomly guess which one).

    Anyways I'll just be on here while I have winter break, then I intend on deleting it.
    My job and classes won't afford me the time I need to properly get into a game.

    For the meantime, I look forward to dilly dallying on here.
    xXSeanXx and TakashiSan like this.
  2. TakashiSan

    TakashiSan Well-Known Member

    Wooooh SoCal! UCSD student? :) Feel free to add me to BL!
  3. Hegemony

    Hegemony Member

    Haha yea, I'm surprised you guessed it so quickly.
    TakashiSan likes this.
  4. xXSeanXx

    xXSeanXx Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Royals Joyce :)

    You can add me on xXSeanXx or SuperMage758 if you are looking for friends to chat and play with!
  5. runadamsrun

    runadamsrun Well-Known Member

    Ayyy Triton here too!

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