
Discussion in 'Introductions and Farewells' started by Penny, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Penny

    Penny Donator

    Um hi guys ^-^

    No, this isn't an official quitting thread, so if you're here to revel in my departure, I'm sorry :< :< But, given that I start actual real person work on Wednesday, I thought it was time to come to terms with the fact that my level of activity on this server has already and will change even more moving forward. And before I kind of leave, I just really wanted to say thank you to all of y'all here for the last year or so.

    It's been... an interesting year for me. A couple of you already know this, but when I joined last April, I was coming off a pretty brutal breakup from someone who ... well, let's just say wasn't exactly the nicest person. I played pretty bad hours back then, trying to get away from reality (and low key because I was still in kind of a lot of pain and literally couldn't fall sleep). I was never a particularly social person on GMS, so it's not that I was looking for people to talk to. Just needed something mind-numbing to stop thinking about how shitty things were. But what I found was a lot of people who were awesome and genuinely cared, and they made me laugh hysterically when all I wanted to do was cry. Even people I didn't know would randomly do nice things for me, and I've tried to continue to pay it forward ever since.

    Then over the summer, when I threw myself into my internship to try and secure a full time offer, I kind of disappeared, but there were still people that would check up on me or chat. Honestly, you guys to me ... I don't view you differently from real friends. I'm so incredibly grateful because I seriously don't know how I would've made it through the summer without them and my other friends. I really didn't think I'd play past that, though. I joined and played to heal myself — I didn't think I'd need it as I got better. But you guys proved me wrong because I found actual friends here that I didn't want to let go of.

    Now, it's a year later. I can't say that I'm still BFFS foreva with all of them, but it actually astounds me how many people I still talk to, even hang out with in real life. Not joking, every few weeks, I get dinner and hang out with a girl I literally met last April here. Seriously, a year ago, I wasn't even really willing to give people my Skype.

    Anyway, this insanely sappy post is just my thank you and mild goodbye to all of you wonderful people. Whether we are good friends, we've met once, you pissed me off and I secretly hated you, or we're no longer friends, you've shaped my experience here somehow, and it's been a really, really wonderful time here, so thank you as well.

    I'll be around, but I don't know how well I can keep that promise. :<


    Oh also thank you @Matt for making this all possible. First and only private server I've ever (and probably will ever) played.

    This really is in no particular list of level of importance. Sorry if I've forgotten you -- I swear I don't mean anything by it I still luff you. I'm writing this at 1:30 am, and I'm just trying to think of particularly strong memories I have. Thanks guys <3 Seriously. Also, sorry if I didn't know your forum name. Also, sorry if you've quit and haven't visited this forum in eons and you're getting an email notif from me.

    @Christopher Chance @Maffoo @Shade @yogurtseller @nickkmurks @fawkes @Koalas @Lyrium @Tommy @Mandy @Moo @Jeen @Aly @Stan @Michael @Raiden @Scott @Shnang @Kivin @Courtney @Cyndy @Manny @joeylee @Suki @Romina @Platypi @Matty @Christie @Phytical @ReconKatana @Dapper @Mono @Yiks and ppl whose forum names I have no idea/can't remember: Cecilia, Mel, Buncs/Rose, Dianananana, KFukuda, ShoxJohn, Khoa, Normie, Ricky, RJ, Jacky, Seanpie, FysticDavid, Leo, PabuDavid
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
    Chrille, Rob, Christie and 40 others like this.
  2. Jeen

    Jeen Donator

    Love you penny, I still gotchu in real life so we gucci ♡ Next stop, my place?
    Penny likes this.
  3. GDLee

    GDLee Donator

    Mi reina, por favor - no me digas adiós ~f4

    I wasn't here when you were going through that dark time last year, and in comparison to the others I've only known you for a short period of time. But getting to know you has really been a very enjoyable, quesolicious experience, and I hope the "mild goodbye" es tan picante como un pimiento dulce.

    No F4s !
    Penny likes this.
  4. yogurtseller

    yogurtseller Donator

    I think I know who this is :)

    love ya gurl. never forget those wild 6 am nights a year ago ~f14
    Penny likes this.
  5. Romina

    Romina Well-Known Member

    good luck bbygirl, you're going to do such amazing things<3
    Aly, Penny and Lyrium like this.
  6. Koalas

    Koalas Donator


    goonsquad def one of my highlights on Royals, ily pendawg
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
    KenE, Penny, Jeen and 3 others like this.
  7. Matty

    Matty Donator

    u da best ~f14:love:<3
    Penny, Lyrium and Koalas like this.
  8. Enticing

    Enticing Donator

    Im sad i didnt get to know you sooner. You are, as the Home guild page says, a one man skype call come to life. Every time i joined discord you were always extremely entertaining to just listen to.

    I wish you nothing but the best of luck.

    Peace out Valley Girl
    Koalas, Matty, Penny and 1 other person like this.
  9. Yiks

    Yiks Donator

    Real life's consuming me too so I feel you girl. You are one of my biggest takeaways from this game, & I know you'll be heading for greater ventures in real life from here on. We're both just a Snapchat away aight? Take care dear :D;)
    Penny likes this.
  10. Mouthbreather

    Mouthbreather Donator

  11. Shnang

    Shnang Donator

    Penny the op Bishop will always be... OP Bishop. :~)
    Penny, Lyrium and Koalas like this.
  12. Platypi

    Platypi Well-Known Member

    Penndawg senpai!!! We're just a few blocks away anytime so I'm not too worried about seeing you again but the hotpot must happen soon.

    Best of luck but I know you'll kill it no matter what
    xoxo Joshie
    Mandy, Penny, Lyrium and 2 others like this.
  13. Kivin

    Kivin Donator

    Sad and happy to see this post, but we'll be having that meetup when I'm (finally) back in NY @ ___ @
    Am looking forward to it, trusting you'll be making lots of people around you happy and inspired, this time irl :D
    Penny, Lyrium and Koalas like this.
  14. Kai

    Kai Donator

    See you around, penny. ~f3~f18
    Penny, Lyrium and Koalas like this.
  15. Dimitri

    Dimitri Saint of Horses

    Good luck striped animal ! ~f17
    NMNA, Penny, Lyrium and 1 other person like this.
  16. Lyrium

    Lyrium Donator

    I'll always be thankful that I went and helped the noob Bishop who kept dying at ToT. This isn't really a goodbye since we'll definitely keep in touch on social media and whatnot, but I'll always remember the fun times we've had in Home and especially Goonsquad (and those 10 hour Skype calls). Thanks for being my EST buddy for the longest time, and for making me seem a lot less crazy for staying up till 6 AM. I'd wish you good luck in all your endeavors, but you've got such a bright future ahead of you that I won't doubt that you'll be finding success soon (but, good luck anyway hehe). If you ever stop by Florida, you know who to hit up! Take care and keep in touch, Pendawg. ~f2

    Mandy, Jeen, Juni and 5 others like this.
  17. nickkmurks

    nickkmurks Donator

    AY I'M TOP LINE IN TAGS, YOOOOOTHE LOVE! Damnit Penny. we all know you're just travelling the world catching all the pokemon on pokemon go!!!! ay but you know i'll always bug you at the most inconvenient moment on snapchat or somethin. HANDLE IT GIRL
    Penny likes this.
  18. Manny

    Manny Donator


    i cri 4ever​
    Penny likes this.
  19. Mandy

    Mandy Donator

    PENDAWG ~f4 even though you're gonna live near me I still feel so sad when reading this thread of yours (WHY?) anywho, its a good thing you joined this server, no matter what your reasons were. u r a beautiful soul and I am very glad to have met u.
    Let's have more all-you-can eat hotpot dates without @Platypi because he ain't important ~f2
    Penny likes this.
  20. Manny

    Manny Donator

    Jeen, Mandy and Penny like this.

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