What kind of rotation do you use at Destroyed Park 2? I did many 10-20 min tests at both DP1 and DP2 and I could never get close to my estimated 45m/hr at DP1. Would like to be able to match that at DP2 so I can get more Duku loot while leeching.
Keep in mind since i recording i was a little slow doing my telecasting, but feel free to saw me whenever you wan't for a more faster TC <3 PD: I didn't buff myself in order to do 1 hit, is just a example
Thanks all of u for sharing this information. I'm a 151 I/L leecher and I wanna give a try to Duku. But this is the thing: I currently have 1261TMA(buffed), I can spend like 4b to get +15tma and also need higher lvl such as 165 to get 1360 (1hit Duku). So 165-166 is still good as a seller? Is it worth it to reach that lvl? Need some advices. Ty
You can start trying once you are at 1350+ magic since you are IL because you can freeze them so they won't stun u afterwards. it won't affect your exp at all because its about >99.8% 1hit from my experience. Level capping is your choice 165-166 is decent and most duku leechers are at 16x level range, unless you plan on lvling to 200. Duku also has better rates and better drops compared to petris like green neos pants and spartas in addition to the nisrock drop.
Not sure where the number 1360 came from, but with 1000 total INT the TMA required to 100% 1-hit dukus is 1352. With 1050 total INT the TMA required to 100% 1-hit dukus is 1350. Unless you're using echo & potions to boost total magic, most archmages have >1050 total INT by the time their magic is 13xx. Thus I would be aiming for 1350, as an extra 10 tma could mean a few extra billion mesos worth of gear (or two extra levels, for that matter). On a more related note, I've so far found DP1 to be preferable to DP2. My two 11x leechers (111 and 112 at the time of testing) gets roughly 42m exp/hr; I have yet to test this with 12x and 13x leechers but based on previous experience at petris the exp/hr should approach 50m+. With four 11x leechers the exp/hr drops to around 34m/hr, which is still approximately how much exp most petri leechers get on split leech. You will need to forego drops though - which is not dissimilar to petris. (Most) reputable leechers don't run around the whole map looting equips unless they see nisrocks lying around.
The 1360 number came from the leeching guide 2020 by Jooon. I'm glad to see that your calculation are similar to my findings, may I know the formula? Next, 42m exp/h is quite amazing, is this split or solo? I also propose that leeching speed should not be calculated in exp/h, but rather in kills per min. It is easier to monitor this as you can calculate everything by yourself, and it is consistent throughout regardless of your leecher's and partners level. Without HS, 1 duku and 1 slygie have always given me 10k and 5k exp respectively in a split leech (x1.28 in solo iirc). Normalizing 1 slygie as 0.5 duku allows for an easier data comparison among leechers and also between DP1 and DP2. Personally, I manage at 90-94 duku's per min, calculated from a 6 minute rotation with minimal looting (no pause). I agree with skipping drops, but pausing should be the norm if you want to loot for extended periods like the bottom lane of DP1. At the very least, it will instill some loot discipline in leechers to manage their loot timings.
I'm in a similar position. I just started selling petri leech, and capped my I/L at 152. I want to give duku a shot, but getting an extra 100 TMA seems like a stretch.
((Magic²/1000 + Magic * Mastery * 0.9)/30 + INT/200) * Basic Attack * Amp * Elemental Wand Bonus i.e. ((Magic²/1000 + Magic * 0.6 * 0.9)/30 + INT/200) * 570 * 1.4 * 1.25 In my experience the m.def of mobs is negligible. Split. I also agree with kills/min calculations and will have a look re. figures at DP1 when I next have some time to leech. I'm glad you brought this up because this is especially apparent at petrifighters - most leechers who telecast and forego drops in the bottom and top rows tend to average 5500-6000 mobs/hour and this can be used as a useful indicator to the quality of leech you are receiving. Agreed, though it is a difficult expectation and challenging to implement across the community. Personally I wouldn't buy leech from someone who charges me for their time spent looting bottom/top floors and mob count/hr is a reasonably direct measure of this (as is exp/hr though this will vary with different factors as we've identified).
Sure, hope you can share some results here soon. I have yet to find a proper rotation that can incorporate spawn timings successfully, accurately and consistently due to how large the map is.
What level are you and what rotation are you using at DP2 that's giving 42m split? My current rotation is clear bottom twice, top once, rinse repeat, going up on opposite sides after each rotation. I give ~44m-45m solo to a 127 leecher as a 165 AM with HS mule., while you're approaching that for split.
hello i have done a test with single mage duku selling (this is exp from the buyers end which was solo) done a test hour duku leech at destroyed park 1 buyer got exact 42 466 795 xp in a hour solo done 1 hour petri solo and came to the conclussion that petri is only 200 k xp less than duku.(105 to 108 in 59 mins so could be more than duku actually) i do not know what solo xp rate is for skele tho in my eyes not worth to sell or buy duku leech unless triple mage 2 hit. gonna remake my over lvled fire/poison...
Probably your rotation, I can hit 45m solo easily and according to this thread, others have claimed to have gone even higher. Also 42m exp at Petri is higher than avg for sure. I will say that Duku is somewhat underwhelming, charging 75/150 and giving 45m+ exp and its hard to find buyers as a lvl 165 AM. Basically making the same money as Petri for ~100 additional TMA requirement. Also, if you're leeching properly, you barely even get to loot the Dukus. I pick up about half as many Nisrocks at Duku compared to Petri, and Skele drop table is just strictly better than both and you can make 130m/hr selling there.
42.5m isn't horrible. I usually start from the left, clear bottom twice and then go up and clear top and repeat. Best rotation I've found so far.
start top meteor tp left down tc left tc right tc bot tc right tc left tp up tc right hs mw repeat thats my rotation
Shoutout to @Doton and @nyannko777 for informing me on Trio mage Duku leeching. Testing is needed, but according to Doton, 3 mages (at least 1 Bishop for Holy Symbol) and 3 buyers [for 6 people total] rivals solo Petri Exp. link to Nyannko777's Duku Leeching Service: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-duku-leech-lv-110-160-duku-petri.171764/
It rivals split leech at most (account for various factors including the quality of the leech seller’s telecasting, time taken to loot items etc). 3 mage 3 leechers is also inferior to 2 mage 4 leechers, which probably provides the most efficiency in terms of exp gain. Overall whether the leech meta will change to accommodate the Duku buff is unclear but I would think it’s unlikely. You could just as easily have 4 leechers at petri and try to advertise for 50m each and tell everyone the exp is superior to ulu but this clearly hasn’t happened over the years so..