hi gm i was selling my ability points but i couldn't trade them so i put it back in the cash shop and went on my other character turns out now its not showing up in my cash shop so i lost 3 of them i hope u can fix this issue and recover my ap resets thanks
We need your IGN in order to be able to refund anything. Have you scrolled down in your cash shop inventory inside the cash shop? I don't know what yours looks like but mines full of a bunch of random things I've acquired over the years and sometimes I forget to look!
My ign is Darkbow135 uh i don't think i got as much as nx as you lol i wish though xD and yes i did check all my cashshop inventory and no luck it just disappeared i voted last night and i was trying to sell it this mourning but when i went to trade it it says un successful then i was tryed moving to another character and that's when it happen
No worries! I'll add this to the list of things for Admins to do before the next SC and they'll take a quick look and hopefully refund you your missing items!