Discussion in 'Buying' started by fox500xxx, Dec 13, 2014.
what is your ign? Contact me in game: Bowmastah Also in my shop, fm 17 I have 3
IGN: Strategic, msg me in game
Vaseiine whisp me got a few
ign Affinity, i got a few too.
need more crystal shards 40m or less
Contac Graces. I got some
Holdmee I have
contact streL
IGN Caboose I have some too
I got one if you still need it. Whisp Repentance.
ING: Hesiod, got 2
are you still buying? i got some (4 or 5). IGN : ChinChoppa
got 2 ign : memepirate
Separate names with a comma.