hi selling soon. dont wants this spear in my inv anymore xD very flexible with some of the items. you can whisper me in game ign 2sunshine2 for some of the items can provide A/W if needed! SOLD 2.85B BowAssault S/B 150m A/W 200m S/B 200m A/W 250m S/B 100m S/B 120m A/W 150m S/B 500m A/W 700m S/B 400m S/B 250m
@ shreid. actually, we asked for a lot of p/c's in game and we got told its 2,5~5b worth when it had 117 att 17 str 1 slot. so we just used a event scroll on it for 119 att. 119 att sky skis are pretty decent and almost the same as as pyrope spears. 116 att is 1,5b worth we got told. 117 is 2b as we got told. A friend of us told us, that 119 att 19 str is 2,5b~3b worth. and if you checked the fm, just 1 sky ski has the potential to become a better wep than this spear, eventho the base att when it was clean wasn't the perfect one. lemme take an example. Everyone is LF 32 TMA earrings. its not even perfected. and not even used by all +5 scrolls. and still its worth alot. or am I getting something wrong now? what I want to say: every item can be good. and this is a good one. we asked for p/cs and thats what EVERYONE told us. so we go for it. ty for understanding ~ greetings Dan little added edit: a 83 craven isnt perfected aswell. and you can make it out of a 54att craven, not even a perfect clean 1 if you are lucky. and its still worth alot. not everyone has the mesos to afford perfect clean items and risk everything on it + may boom it
Hi Dan, Earrings int are different things let me give you few hints: 1. Maple pyrope spear is NOT end game wep, 2. That spear is +24 W.A meaning it had 95 W.A clean as far as I know Perfect one is 101 W.A that's a huge different of +6 W.A. for me with a simple analyze it's not near around 2.5b~4b. and ofc I might be wrong... wishes you the best with the selling ,I hope atleast for you that I am wrong and the price is really 2.5~4b.
just because everyone using a Sky Ski, turns it into a "end game" item. Just mentioning. Don't wanna start a fight tho. This Spear is still good in Att and as mentioned, we asked for p/c, checked fm, talked with peoples and they all told us its 2,5b for sure up to 3b if its 119 att 19 str. We wanted to risk another 30% on it for 122 att and 20 str but to be honest, we were to scared to boom it actually. But we got told, that if it turned out to be 122 att 20 str, it had be 5~6b worth. well ehrm. as mentioned. just because a wep has no perf clean att, doesn't mean its a bad item. As mentioned in my other post with the thing about RC. I wanna be honest with you. Reut here and me did just got it from event and we used 2x 30% on it which worked in a row. Then reut had it and some day, it was +5 scrolled. it just, had been a project. and today we decided, to just go for another 30% and it worked. And ehrm. that was the moment when we asked for a p/c and the reaction was unbelievable for us. I made a photo of it for Reut to sent it to her in whatsapp which I can upload here to show you if you want to. So ehrm ye. we'll go with the price and its good I guess, since Sky Ski with 119 att in fm are also 2~3b. Doesnt matter for me if it shoes "sky Ski" in the name or "Maple pyrope Spear" On daggers, I also prefer the lvl 80 one for the look aswell compared to the lvl 110 one. Going to sleep now enjoy the night/day. cya tmr
Price is roughly correct. Pyrope Spear IS end game. A 119 Pyrope Spear is just as good, if not better because lower level requirement, than a 119 Sky Ski.
Exactly. Also, ik its not perfect but not all ppl can afford perfect weapons so buyers exist for this spear. Plus if it was perf then if would have cost a lot more then 2.5b lol
i believe that 119wa sky ski and any other maple spear worth the same price, or maybe even higher for lower lvl weapons. and so you said, you might be wrong, simply yes you are
Being flexible is not going 200m under the s/b on an item u know worth more... I actually have some buyers for the spear that are interested. So if u not planing on s/b or more then plz stop the raging... just a game, and there are many spear sellers... I told you it might take some time, and u said ok. and then my friend told me i rather take money then items. All good, not looking to fight or anything...