Hi, I tried every link avaible on the website but the same thing keep happening First when I try to download on the link avaible (url: http://www.royals.ms/downloads/MapleRoyals.exe) But the link for the Maplestory Setup is working well Second: When I finally get the client and it finish the download a message appears sayin ''unknown web error'' (and the problem is not because chromes block the file I can recover the file anyway) and I'm sure my internet is fine as you can see I'm redownloading the setup Third: Ok when I got the client like 3 days ago and I tried to play the game an error saying that the client file doesn't exist on my computer and then it disapear from my Mapleroyals folder and it doesn't go to the trash or anywhere else Translating: Windows could't find 'c:\\Users\Marina\Downloads\Mapleroyals (1).exe' Make sure the name was entered correctly and try again But it was there! Sometimes appear that kinda of message Translating: Windows couldn't acess the file. Maybe you don't have permission to acess the item OBS: I tried to acess as a adm. I can solve almost all my issues with Mapleroyals but not in that case so I'm asking ur help guys! UPDATE: That time I tried to click on the Client and instead of enter in the game a strange file appeared Where the hell that thing came from??? Can't play the game at all (alredy tried to reinstall the game like 3 times and same thing keep happening) UPDATE: GUYS IT'S WORKING NOW THANKS for those who have the same problem I just had to Rename the Maple Royals client file and put in the MapleRoyals folder and now it's working don't know how I also downloaded the file in the dropbox link Thanks @krille01
Go to your Google Chrome settings via the three strikes on the top right corner. After that, 'Show advanced settings...' and look under the 'Privacy' section. On that section, there should be a checkbox for 'Enable phishing and malware protection'. Uncheck that and try downloading the client again. Check it back on once you're able to download the client.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/1jonciamelyl8qm/MapleRoyals.exe?dl=0 here it should work if you download from this link
I belive it was because site was unstable so download got corrupted, so ive uploaded a working client