All Your Character Names: Last thing you did: Firned of mine jokly called me GM and some guy who stole an item of mine just got involved into the conversation asked if im a gm so I was like maybe no maybe yes, never said about myself I am a GM tho, then he started saying "I'll report you" and whatsoever and I was like ok, didn't even paid any importance for that thing but again, never said I am a GM about myself. also why would u even ban me right away without checking it out? that was reckless didn't play maplestory for like few years just came here to have some good time thought about donating some soon because this server is cool but that's sad things being reckless like that. That guy who reported me just tried out to get me banned or something and u gave him that so uh just tell me what you think about it because I don't really agree with this ban actually was working on to get to level 50, I don't even have too much interaction with ppl around just doin my time here, so things are amazing especially that guy who tried to get me banned for a free hatred I guess Why do you think you got banned?: Impersonating GM? Ban message when attempting to log in: Impersonating GM What GM banned you (optional): Don't know
Yes, you are temporarily banned 7 days for staff impersonation and an admin reviewed your chat logs. As a newer player I would advise you to read our servers terms and conditions during your ban duration so you can prevent this from happening in the future.
I do know this rule, even without reading it it's kinda clear for me, but I didn't say on myself Im a GM bro, there's a proof or something for that?
Yes an admin already reviewed your chat logs from this incident and it did indeed warrant the temporary ban.
What chatlogs bro, I am really trying to understand what's going on here. Me, I NEVER said about MYSELF im a GM. Someone else called me GM, so if I will go call people GM then report them they'll get banned too? That's how it works? I don't know, send the logs here so I can see, maybe Im lacking memory or alzheimer's patient
your friend was heavily implying you were a GM and you played along with it on multiple comments to scare another player into giving you back an item you dropped that they looted.
I haven't played with it and I don't even need that item I dropped just would be happier if it was staying in my inventory, asked him if he can give it back. He asked me if im a GM, did I said Yes I am? Do I have to give him an answer? It's a MUST? Tell me. Because I don't think I have to answer everyone who asks me something
From what I remember I said Maybe Yes Maybe Not. I don't have to give that guy an exact answer since he's not a friend of mine plus he was rude toward me. @Tim
Rude or not, doesn't justify you impersonating as a Staff of MapleRoyals. Our decision is final. You'll serve your 7-day ban for staff impersonation.