All Your Character Names: MimosaDosa , Melkweg (inactive) Last thing you did: Henehoeing Why do you think you got banned?: I dont know. I might have make some jokes against the rules and you just misunderstood it. Furthermore I have been return from hiatus and decided that I am no longer aiming to improve my char and rather spend my time in Royals chilling in henesys so I gaveaway most of my mesos for free, including valuable items what might have seems like my acc got hacked and from previous ban appeals of others that I saw I know you banning accounts whose got hacked. Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection What GM banned you (optional): idk
I got other characters under the same User ID McKennaii, trippit, if I recall correct. I dont remember the rest of them, I also own third user ID that I aint logged for long time and dont remember the characters, although I do remember the user ID and if that helpful start PM with me as I know its prohibited to share it in public