Now, the current Christmas event is supposed to be until January 10th, if I recall correctly. This last week, we've had loads of downtime, and whereas I'm glad that things did improve in terms of lag, I would like to suggest the following: Extend the event duration. We've had, say, 3-4 full days of downtime the last week, and a bit more before that, making up for a total of about 4-5 days so far. This basically means we've all lost 4-5 days of being able to farm stars and participate in the event. Therefore, I would only see it justified when we had 4 or maybe 5 extra days to farm stars to compensate the loss of time. The time in question is debatable. I just think that it would be more fair towards the players to give them the time they've lost to farm stars nonetheless. I also believe extending the event by a few days would be a better compensation than, say, 2x NX events, 2x EXP events or anything of the sort. Thoughts?
I think your downtime calculations are a bit over the top but yeah, we will likely extend the event for a few days.
My calculations: 2.5 days (up to 3 for some) of downtime with the new DDoS protection. 1 day of downtime (almost) when LSN had network issues (not your fault, obviously, but still downtime). Downtime of an hour or two here and there. So 4, maybe 4.5 days approximately. Glad to hear the event will likely be extended, though.
Your calculations are totally accurate. I couldn't log on my account for 4 days. I think the even should be extended for 5 days. (as you have said downtime of an hour or two) I have no lag issues though