I know the staff is hard at work on implementing an auto ban system for understandable reasons. However, I think it would be valuable to discuss what content could be added to Royals after the auto ban system is in place (soonTM). Several of the threads discussing such content are a couple of years old, and thus, new perspectives may have formed over this time. I am creating this thread to generate discourse on potential content after auto ban. Of course, this thread is only for discussion; it's not to make needy demands. Pink Bean: I, along with many players (and hopefully staff) think that Pink Bean would be a great addition to MapleRoyals. A thread by @Enticing here provides some perspective and thoughts of a player that has experienced Pink Bean runs. Enticing states that Pink Bean would provide a real, tough endgame challenge to even the most elite players on the server; it is fair to say that many elite players want this challenge. As it is, it is possible for top players to defeat all end game content, with varying difficulty. Having a truly unbeatable boss would encourage players to progress and optimize their characters beyond the currently run bosses (Horntail, Auf Haven, Toad, etc). Additionally, as @PhotonSphere has calculated here: 5 Fryslan parties should have a chance to kill Pink Bean. Factoring in demon elixirs and the Wiggle guild's recent Horntail speedrun here; I propose that Pink Bean should be released, un-nerfed, for players to attempt to take down. Get those Timeless weapons and MW30! Reverse/Timeless Weapons: I think that Reverse weapons would provide an interesting addition to the Royals weapon meta. Reverse weapons are level 120 weapons, and @LichWiz has a detailed thread here with some discussion on the topic. Put simply, Reverse weapons are weapons with a unique level up mechanic, that increases stats randomly upon each level up of the weapon. Take for example, the Reverse Nibleheim. The random aspect of the level up mechanic feels pretty bad. Also, players with perfect Dragon weapons would feel bad about a new best in slot weapon. So, if the staff decide to implement Reverse/Timeless weapons, I hope that the staff takes these two things into account, to maybe adjust the Reverse weapons as they see fit. Lastly, Reverse weapons would also bring the Maker skill, which allows players to create certain items. This would increase the value of some ETC items on the market. Reverse weapons would also increase foot traffic in Temple of Time, as the Rock of Time(s) drops from ToT mobs. Dragon Rider PQ: Dragon Rider PQ is a cool level 120+ PQ; there's also a guide for it here. It would bring some weapons with a durability mechanic. I think Dragon Rider PQ would be an interesting PQ for 4th job players. Other suggestions: Nett's Pyramid PQ Judgement - Level 115 gun from Neo Tokyo, part of the Maker system Can't be implemented due to client limitations: Ghost Pirate PQ TL DR: please discuss content that you would like to see after auto ban!
Nett Pyramid PQ! Nostalgic ! Meanwhile, i’m pretty confident MapleRoyals gonna be ready for a tough challenge like Pink Bean. Timing damage reflect and higher HP washing requirements, making everyone on the hunt, completing the HP questline ! Exciting! Timeless Equipment with item maker will stir the market up quite heavily tho so... Example : 56 wa clean lampion with leveling system with 0~2weap roll for 5 levels, 10% chance for TT level+1 !!! Rip RCs & DPS Hopefully its nicely balanced before implemented.
I hadn't heard about PB halving wep damage before - does that mean a funded IL mage is a theoretically plausible attacker for PB or is 50% of the damage of DPS classes still too high of a bar for mages to reach?
Judgement, the gun from Neo Tokyo! I guess if the Maker skill is implemented, the Judgement could be added. Well, I defer to the mage pros to speak on this topic. From doing a cursory search, it seems that F/P mage's Paralyze has more basic attack(240) than I/L's Chain Lightning(210). Also apparently Chain Lightning does not work properly right now(it doesn't bounce between multiple targets). That being said, I still don't think pro F/P can outdamage NL/Sair + SE, even with 50% damage reduction.
It bounces, just more in a downward direction than anywhere else. I wish it behaved a bit more like the Luminous class's reflection skill and would bounce almost anywhere. But it also has terrible damage drop-off and does down to only a couple thousand on the last hits.
Since the OP brought up several nostalgic PQs that could be considered, just wondering... has there ever been discussion about the Sea of Fog: Ghost Pirate PQ? This was an incredibly competitive and fun PQ that featured 2 parties competing to deal more damage and defeat the boss first. Would this even be possible however?
I see. I think the not bouncing rumor came from Horntail, so if it's a downward direction thing, then that makes sense.