Doesnt adress the inequity in farming speed between mages and non mages, or between high and low levels, so it ceases to be an event "for everyone." Also as stated, the snowman is a symptom of the problem and not the cause, and they have made great strides towards improving the lag, so why give up now?
has anyone not mentioned the fact that we are opening presents before christmas? presents shouldn't be allowed to be opened until 12:00am on christmas day and then you can end the snowman event. we are so greedy xD
one of the cause of dced is the "changing of the present" when everybody start changing their presents at the christmas tree There starts the Server Lag and D/Cs.
what if you increase the amount of channels for this event? it wouldn't overload ch1 and maybe then the server would be able to handle the snowman. also i like the idea of turning in x snow for a reward. as long as the number is not super high, non mages shouldn't be disadvantaged at all. it will all come down to effort...
Even though the DDoS problem might be the cause of the extreme lag of snowman, I would still like to see a Christmas handed out every day or x times a day, like a lot of forumners have mentioned before me. I mainly support this idea because there´s just a ridiculous amount of campers that personally make this event for me non enjoyable at all. I´ve participated multiple times and haven´t gotten any, and honestly it compeltely destroyed the fun for me, mainly cause I´ve participated actively in filling the snowblower, while others have clearly not.
I feel like this should be way to go seeing how snowman pretty much kills the server for few mins multiple times per day...I cant really see this continuing for the next three weeks of the xmas event :c
I support this thread simply because the lag is unbearable when the snowman dies, and it's impossible to finish up any boss runs if the event happens during the run. I don't know about being warped back in by using connections, but I've been in more than 5 runs that have completely disconnected due to the event and have never gotten warped back in nor have we gotten any compensation for that matter.
I can safely say that I was in a horntail run during the time the snowblower went off, and I didn't d/c nor did any of my party members. I was watching it on the website and watching buddy chat for when it went off. What *did* cause us to d/c was when somebody smegad they put a chaos scroll for 1 meso in a random FM. Everyone CC'd to find it, and thus overloaded the server. The entire run d/ced consistently for at least 5 minutes until that was done.
While it is true that sometimes the snowblower doesn't dc everyone, the majority of the time it does.
Today I was browsing the FM when the snowman was summoned. I didn't d/c, but I did experience massive lag. Instead of 1-2 seconds to enter an FM room, it took almost 30 seconds. A few minutes after everyone unwrapped their presents, it went back to normal.
+1 This is not gonna fix all lag issues, but will contribute to at least go back to where we were a few weeks ago when the game was still somewhat stable.
There has been no proven correlation from what I have seen and been told that the snowman directly causes the lag. To investigate this further though, we need MTRs. Everyone complains about lag but no one has helped us.
How exactly can we tell when we should post an MTR? I've been told by @Sila that lag feedback reports should only be submitted when there is a lag spike, not a crash, but there's been a mix of both. With the forums going down here and there and no clear cut instructions on when to post a lag response, how can you expect some dedicated players that want nothing more, but to help you guys as much add possible to go through with that. It's gotten to the point where I don't even bother with posting lab feedback to avoid backlash from others. Perhaps the issue isn't the snowman itself, but the amount of people that log in to collect their 2nd/3rd present is a culprit to the lag for sure.
I said that MTRs dont help when the server freezes. Lag spikes (leading to d/cs even) are not server freezes. The last few MTRs youve posted were all when the server froze completely and had to be restarted by an admin.
I think it's pretty ridiculous that you have made the assumption that the snowman doesn't cause lag, while a thread was created due to the fact that the server dc's when the snowblower explodes. (with more +1s than -1s may I add) It doesn't matter if this is caused by mass cc'ing or mass submission of presents, because all of that comes under the fact that we have the snowman. All in all, in my opinion the Snowman contributes to lag, since whenever it is spawned I lag/dc (dc - 90% of the time). (could be indirectly contributed i.e. people cc'ing to channel 1) However, it is important to take note that the server also lags when the snowman isn't spawned, (hence why I used the word contributed) however, the snowblower explodes 4-8 times a day which is 4-8 massive lag spikes a day.
Without meaning to offend anyone on staff who's responded so far, we the players who are actually putting in the time on the game know that the Snowman contributes to the lag. Everyone who has played in the last 12 days knows this. It contributes. It may not be the full reason for the lag, there may be some other things going on that we don't know about, but it is impossible to argue that the snowman does not cause any lag at this point. With that being said, all these threads are not begging for this event to end, they're begging for something to be done, because it's incredibly difficult to play like this. Anything helps. If there are host issues, ddos issues, whatever else is going on, we appreciate the work being done on it... but finding an alternative way to do the presents that would eliminate the lag caused by people mass-cc'ing to channel 1 to fight the snowman and again by people mass cc'ing when it dies to get to the Christmas Tree NPC faster is something that we would also very much appreciate. At the very least until whatever the true cause of the lag is dealt with.
Perhaps you should propagate the lag feedback thread some more then. I didn't even know it was there until now. I'll try my best to make reports when lag happens.
I have made those changes last night, and I'm waiting and would appreciate to hear feedback about those changes in the thread here: But... Santa says bad kids don't get presents
this didn't fix anything still lags badly and once again cause of snowman, everyone dc from zak. I like the event but im getting sick of this pls don't extend it you cant finish anything cause of this