What is this? Tables of time taken/DPS on Krexel's 2nd Eye. Everything here(time, DPS) will be normalised to apple+echo for comparison. Multi-attacker runs are accepted but their times will be multiplied accordingly and DPS will be averaged as though it was a single attacker. Rules: Provide total attack before potions, primary stat after mw and secondary stat after mw. Attack can usually be found in weapon, CGS (cape shoes glove), bullet/star, mark of naricain, carat ring, lv 200 medal/collector medal. Sum them up. Primary stat is str for warriors, bucc. Dex for archers and corsairs. Int for mages. Luk for thieves. Secondary stat is dex for warriors, bucc. Str for archers and corsairs. Luk for mages. Str and dex for thieves (add them up). Providing range is optional, since it can be calculated from the above. You can use any buffs/attack potion as you like. Please mention the buffs/attack potion used in your post. Apple is recommended though. You may have as many attackers as you want in the run. But they have to be all from the same job and the time/DPS calculated will be multiplied. Also, stats from all attackers have to be provided, so I can average them. Time-limited gear allowed. Whatever. I'm not going to enforce any rules on sharing gears because it is unproductive. For clarification: meso bombing is allowed. Example Warriors Hero Dark Knight Spoiler: Note on Drk range I'm only considering stab range, so the min range displayed will be different from the min range shown on the client's stats menu. However, the max range should be correct. Paladin Archers Marksman Bowmaster Thieves Night Lord Shadower Pirate Buccaneer Corsair Mages Bishop F/P mage I/L mage
I have been thinking on what's the best way we could measure DPS. We need a boss that is as deterministic(not RNG based) as possible and yet accessible to all. Some bosses that have been proposed include Headless Horseman, Cptn. Latanica, Krexel 2nd Eye. These bosses are all more or less static bosses. But, by far, Krexel's 2nd eye has been more popular because it isn't an area boss and can be done without waiting for a spawn. Also, it's hp isn't as low as Cptn. Latanica which could be done in less than 10s for some. It isn't ideal because this means reaction time, crit rng, etc can play a big role in the time. However, Krexel's 2nd Eye has its drawbacks too. Personally, I would prefer a dps test to be able to be done in ~5 min? But Krexel's 2nd eye could take >20min for somebody to solo it and that seems like too much time. To address this, I propose allowing multi-attacker/players Krexel runs allowing runs to be completed much faster. The total runtime will be taken as num_of_attackers * time and the respective range and stats displayed on the table will be the average of the attackers. To avoid complications with the categories, the attackers have to be from the same job. The attackers will then take joint ownership of the DPS. I did some quick calculations and it seems that the average range * num_of_attackers is very representative of the resulting DPS so I think this is fine. Also, previous krexel runs used gelts because they were the best attack potions (before launch of cwkpq) then. However, gelts are not as easily accessible to players, especially those who just created their accounts. As such, I will be recommending apples as the attack potion of choice for these DPS runs. I am, however, not going to restrict this. I plan to normalise results and calculate the change in range if another attack potion was used. However, to do so, I would need knowledge of total attack, primary stat and secondary stat. Open to feedback and opinions. Also, I'm not trying to replace the range thread. The range thread remains a quick and easy way to see where your range stands among the royals community.
I'm really interested to see how different classes perform at different levels and different fundings. We can see which anecdotes of "x class is better at y funding" are true, and this could result in giving more accurate information when new players ask about jobs for their first character etc. I'm also curious to see how much single target dps actually quantified
I've added some of the previous krex attempts onto this thread. I wasn't able to do the normalisation for Nessi's and JackHarrie's runs because I couldn't find an open stat menu in the video or a somewhat reliable source of stats + range.
I love this thread, as many of urs, and i hope you can get some help from playerbase(i will try too!), actually im really looking foward for a comparision like the old one, but with more "avrg" end game players. Since for example as far as i know Nls are one of the jobs that benefit the most of 1wa upgrade making the difference between momo nl and tim bucc almost ridiculous(among with the fact that due tim bucc range he probably would do krex faster if just demo) that thread as a friends competing themselfs and measuring their dmg at an almost impossible spot to reach was really cool, but as a meassure of the ACTUAL jobs dmg, isnt that accurate, i would like to see the difference between a 8.5k nl and a 8.3 sair, or a 12.5k drk vs a 11.8k hero/pally etc etc, anyways thanks for doing this and GL!
I’ll reserve a spot and update slowly once my internet is stable and I’m not a lazy fk when it comes to krex. +support for informative threads