Hey I'm looking to join/create a daily or semi-daily CWKPQ party/group I'm a nightlord at level 16x my range is 4.8k before MW I use heartstoppers (or apples if I happened to have some) looking to enter bonus stage In addition i can bring: -Bishop with resurrect -SE mule (however he's very weak so I will need MAJOR help at BM room (p/s with apple and my main gear he can kill about 4 mobs in the room before time runs out)) -SI mule(*NOT READY* yet) If you're interested leave a msg here or pm me ig IGN(s): NL(main) - ShiningClaw (ShiningCLaW) BS - HSFree BM(se mule) - xonepunchx P/S. i can run at any hour of the day (not loged in 24/7 so a notice before will be needed if we run in a different time than usual & for the first run)
@wizard0629 as i said i can run 24/7 since i do nothing but mapling and sleeping since i destroyed my sleeping schedule the time i play become different everyday hence i need a heads up before the first run other than that i can play from 0am all the way to 11:59pm
lolx....mostly i was online at 1200-1700 server time...and i also looking for cwk daily member too... just in case in future u was busy something in rf stuff..
that 3~8 pm here so that would be perfect for the next 3~4 month at the very least for me anyone what characters can you bring to the party(so i know what to lf for the empty slots)
currently i have a bm for main and hs mule with a friends bsp main +warrior (paladdin)mule.. ofcouse friends war can join for boss war.... and we are looking for both bon and mon too
177 Corsair can bring warrior and bs mule usually available 7.00pm-11.00pm sgt, i can also use the warrior(170 dk) to do the cwk
168 NL with similar range and apples, got mage sign and working on warr sign too. Most active around 4:00-10:00 server time but I'm sometimes online earlier in the day (GMT-8 Time zone)