Finished my masters dissertation on the influence of culture on whistleblowers's intentions to blow the whistle on acts of corruption a month ago. Waiting for my marks at the end of this month!
This is going to sound crazy but after losing my job from corona and my landlord selling our apartment suddenly and kicking us out, I've basically been homeless for like 2.5 months just couch / floor hopping all while trying to finish school. Today I found out I finally got a job and am starting right away. I move into my own place next week. I'm literally crying happy ty for reading
Got my new certifications! I can operate more power equipment! Watch out everybody I’m a’ coming! *beep beep*
Since getting a raise, I got offered a promotion at work a couple months back, and now am making even more money and saving for the future. I've hit my final weight loss goal of 170 lbs, which I am happy with. I've completed most of my Christmas shopping already, and last but not least, a week ago marked 4 months of sobriety. Life and the future is looking very bright, and I couldn't be more excited to see what else I can accomplish with so many years left to live. I hope everyone else is making great progress as well, I would love to see every one of you get to where you want to be. Every day is a challenge, it's a grind, but it's an opportunity to rise up to that challenge and level yourself up. Good luck to everyone!
This is so beautiful. Congratulations and a job well done to all parts of your progress, I know it wasn't easy. Accepting that every day is a challenge and a grind is part of the courage it takes to get along further like you have! Good luck with the rest of your journey brother, and cheers to your success!!
Thank you for the appreciation, it truly means a lot. The last 4 months have been difficult, but they've made me a better, stronger person, and that's all that I can ask for. Thank you for your kind words, adds extra fuel to my motivation. I hope you have a great day!
Some achievements/accomplishments from 2020; • Got a studio space, its small but I share it with other artists who have been truly so supportive • Sold work internationally • Works got accepted by a highly prestigious painting competition in Wales • Received an art fund • Managed to sell small works this month while battling my depression. Hope this motivation will carry on in 2021!
https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/wdKbZ71/achievement.png I completed my thesis! This has been the worst experience of my life.
This has been a post I've been holding off to write. I just never got around to it, nor have the time to play Royals. Went through a grueling 15 week Officer boot camp and commissioned as a Naval Aviation Officer for the US NAVY. Spoiler Moved across the country for flight school to earn my wings. I'm currently getting settled into my new apartment, and when I get the time I'll love to play again. Spoiler: Me with my stupid standing desk.
https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/R9NxW8C/bar.png i may have barely passed, but i am officially qualified to represent you in your ban appeals! my rates start at 150m/hr~
On a fitness journey - started at 304lbs [I know, super fucking huge LOL], currently on day 36 of a high carb high protein diet, and day number 26 in the gym. Currently down to 280lbs, super proud of myself but this is only the beginning. The ultimate goal is to get down to 200~225 within the next 12 months
The hardest part is making a habit out of living healthy. I've heard that after 2 months, the habits start to stick and it starts to feel like a part of your normal everyday life. Keep at it, you're doing great my friend.
Thank you my friend, and yes, eating healthily has gotten a LOT easier. Especially after quitting marijuana nearly 3 weeks ago, I find sticking to my meal schedule refreshing. Junk food doesn’t make me feel nearly as good anymore - much prefer my clean food. I sleep a lot better now, and my appetite isn’t crazy anymore as well.
As of 4/3 I'm down to 270lbs <3 #47 in gym #66 on diet Also began a running program called "Couch to 5k", on week 2. Always dreamt of being able to run for 30mins without breaks. I smoked for over 8 years, been off cigarettes since 2021, I figured it was a good time to start <3
Update - hit new low today of 256lbs. I'm 10lbs away from my end of june goal [long term goal is 200lbs]. Day #70 in gym, day #100 or so on diet. The grind don't stop Barbell Curl: 75lbs Dumbbell Chest Press Incline set to 30: 50lbs x2 Lat pull downs: 135lbs Shoulder Dumbbell Press: 45lbs x2 Tricep cable press down: 70lbs Tricep overhead cable extensions: 45lbs Bicep Dumbbell Curl: 35lbs Seated Rows: 120lbs Pushups: 14 Straight full range Diamond Pushups: 9 Straight full range Wide grip pull up: 1.5 reps full range
Got my ged awhile back and as of now, started a new job and the team I work with are wonderful people and life is good <3