Hello friends I'm a returning player, played right before the transition to new source came to be. I have an Ice Lightning, a Bowmaster, a Shadower, and a Hero, but I'm mostly just playing on my I/L and my BM these days. Mostly just looking for good company while I do random things or just people who will ask me to come SE on their zak runs. About me: I am 21, my names Nathan, I live in the states. I like cars, black metal, and I like early 2000s games such as Super Smash Brothers Melee, Guitar Hero, Runescape, and of course, mushroom game. Add me if anyone wants! IGNs: Xerosyx, Octavarium
Welcome back! I'm an old player who also enjoys metal and SSBM, add me on my to-be Corsair, Anaerobic