Since today I got issues with double clicking in the client. I can't double click anywhere. It's not the issue that can be fixed by moving the chatbox up and down, since this starts before you even get in game. I can't double click a channel to go in it, I can't double click a character to select it. The issue only comes up in MapleRoyals since double clicking other programs works fine. I tried clicking very fast, I tried restarting my pc, I tried reinstalling MapleRoyals.
Have you tried changing your screen's resolution to lower than normal, back to normal, making maplestory full screen then turning it back into window mode? (You can make it full screen by doing alt+enter or ctrl+enter..sorry not on pc can't remember)
I can't go to fullscreen for some reason, that was another issue I encountered. After going to fullscreen my client kind of minimalizes and I can't open it anymore. And yes I tried changing my screens resolution.
That is not normal client behavior imo (the minimizing), have you tried the 800 client and the 1060 client?
Hmm, thats interesting and really annoying for you. The only other possible solution I have is to uninstall current display drivers and to reinstall the latest ones as well as all directX drivers. If you're on windows 10 make sure game overlay isn't on (windows key + g) other than that, I'm out off ideas. I'll have a think and let you know if I think of anything or find anything out. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, I hope your problem gets resolved.
Fixed it by uninstalling a certain program that came with my new monitor, thanks for your help and advice