I have 10,000 stars today and wanted to exchange this Santa Kled mount. However when I try to exchange, Santa told me it will expire in 60days, I’m not exchanging when it’s expiring tho.. I smegaed and people say, they got from 2018/2019 Xmas event and it won’t expire even tho there is a an expiring date on the item. (More than 3 people told me that, it won’t expire even tho it says it will) Can any GM explain this to me please?
By right it shld. But they dont expire automatically. N theres only been a few times they expired since admins hv to manually remove them
If anything mine's almost a year old now and its already way passed its expiry date. Bug report for Santa NPC providing wrong information & remove the expiry all together.
i think the question is if they truly-expire or get removed like The Spaceship Mounts (although they were OP , broken and didn't work like normal mounts ) would be nice if admin can confirm and clarify the expire bug issue 10k stars is quite a lot (especially when drop rate is nerfed this year and some new items are added )