This is the first time since I come to mapleroyals, I see such a rude man! He grabs my map while I am trading with my leech seller. He just come to my map and hit the mob, then he says the mapowner is he now, and ask me to leave. I obay the game rules, but this is really unfair. His leech buyer alse says, the see we are here when they come to my map. What should I do? Can any GM help me? His name is HolyWaffles, and his buyer name is BigSugar, I think his buyer can tell the truth if any GM ask for this.
The map wasn't owned by your leech seller or anyone to begin with if he managed to take the "mapowner", its simple. He didnt do anything wrong. You being in the map doesn't mean its yours, you have to hit/kill the mobs to claim and keep it.
Hey there, This is HolyWaffles, sorry if I caused any offense but for the record, I don't think I was rude at all. I asked politely multiple times, and even searched through all 20 channels at Skeles for an alternative map before I came back and asked again for you guys to leave (all maps were full). I claimed mapowner after arriving at a Skeles map with no drops on it, and no players moving around -- it seemed completely empty, so I just thought I'd take it. Later when you and your leech seller began to claim it was your map, I had already completed a trade with my own buyer and started selling my leech. For the next 20 minutes, as I continued to politely ask you guys to leave the map and showed @mapowner, your leech seller (who I think was the rude one, actually) refused to listen and just kept attacking around the map until finally my guildie offered me a Skele map in another channel and I left. I have recorded the entire instance below, and have also reported your seller on account of kill-stealing as he not only refused to acknowledge map ownership but continued attacking to the point where I was forced to leave the map I owned. I'm sure we're all busy people and no one likes to waste 20 minutes of their lives dealing with this. Happy mapling -- and thank you @Styg1an for explaining the rules!
The video was cut, and his buyer said they saw we were here before they come, but this recording he had cutted. Firstly, he suddenly came over and attacked the monster directly, then type mapowner and grap my map, at that time, I and my seller were talking and not AFK. Now I know he doest't violate the rules, just reasonable use of the regulations and ruining others’ gaming experience.
I feel like you're overthinking this a little bit. The large majority of players don't record their client all the time, just during particular events like APQ bonus stage, boss drops, hacker documentation for reports or, well, this. Back when I sold leech I'd record the entire sessions in case issues of some kind arose at any point. I am 99.99% certain he only started recording once your seller stuck around KSing despite map ownership being in effect and not cut out whatever may have happened before on purpose. Map ownership lasts for 3 minutes and can easily be maintained by hitting a monster every 02:59 minutes. I can't agree with the claim that he was making use of the rules to purposefully ruin the experience of other people and I don't encourage this kind of mentality. If map ownership isn't continuously maintained in popular spots such as this, then it expires. Even if the first thing someone does upon entering the map is attack the monsters directly, that can only lead to two outcomes. The 1st being that someone else already owns the map and the 2nd being what happened in this case, that the map was unclaimed. You should see this as a learning experience and not an instance of someone being out to get you. Keeping your map ownership active is easy and now you'll know to endeavor to do it in the future. I haven't had many unpleasant in-game encounters in Royals so far and I can assure you that HolyWaffles is not the type of player that would ever wind up somehow ruining somebody else's time in this game let alone go out of his way to do it.
Hey I know it can be really stressful to keep the map ownership but please take it as a lesson and look for different ways to keep the map. If you are discussing with your buyer, what I'd usually do is kill the mobs every minute while talking to them. If you needed to do an errand that would take up more than 3 minutes, ask your buyer to hold the map for you. If the buyer is afk, I ask my friends or guildies that are free to hold my map for me. I know it's actually embarrassing to do that but ask anyone and if they are willing to do your favor and if they don't mind go ahead and do your errand and be sure to do it fast~ If there aren't any options, I'd just refund mesos depending on the remaining time/BL my buyer to leech them later on and go with my important errands. Be more careful on not losing it next time
My seller told me, her account was banned for 3 days, I can't do anything for her, just because of HolyWaffles grap the map and I misunderstand the rules, you win, HolyWaffles.
Good. She broke the rules and hopefully now both of you have learned how to conduct yourselves going forward. Neither of you are the victims here, and if anything you should be apologizing to HolyWaffles.