IGN: Succession Name: Jackie Timezone: Eastern Standard Time How long you've played MapleRoyal: Since June of 2019 Fun Shark Fact: Did you know Sharks goes awo? Sometimes meow Fact about myself: I'm not in Shark/Peach/Degenercy/Freaky/Boba, I just wanna be part of the holiday spirit and be someone's secret santa
IGN: BaconLord47 Name: Thomas Timezone: PST How long you've been playing Royals: Since 2016 Fun shark fact: I've swam with sharks before. That's a pretty sharky fact.
IGN: Wassup1 Name: Tristan Timezone: PST Tell us about yourself: Recent college graduate How long you've been playing Royals: On and off 2 years Give Us a Random Shark Fact: Shark in Cantonese dialect is pronounced "Sayuu"
IGN: Sakurin Name: Al Timezone: Central European Time (UTC+1) How long you've been playing Royals: One year, then a reaaaaaally long break and now again for a month Fun shark fact: Sharks first appeared about 370 million years ago, making them older than trees