Hi all, Manon and Griffey are required for the 4th job advancement as well as for some 4th job skill quests. I don't know what the current spawn timer is, but it's quite high. I've been camping Manon's forest with no spawn so far. Since these bosses yield almost no EXP and no NX drops, perhaps you can increase the spawn rate of these mobs to, say, once per hour? Looking forward to your responses.
They do drop NX, even if it isn't usually much. They're not required for the 4th job advance - you can easily go the secret spell scroll route for only 10m mesos (99% of people in the server do this.) If anything, the argument should be to increase manon spawn for Horntail runs, but with the advent of transformation elixir that's much less of a problem than it used to be. IIRC the respawn is 4-6 hours from the previous kill. Go get a secret spell scroll, trade it in to chief tatamo, do your 4th job advance and carry on ignoring manon until lv 155 and griffey until forever.
Griffey is only needed for some skill quests after you already got 4th job. Manon is camped for horntail.
I need manon's cry for Holy Charge So it's not just for the advancement. I bought the secret spell scroll 'cause I didn't feel like camping Manon, but now I have to anyways
Then your best bet is to grab one after a server reset, or wait for the 4-6 (usually 6 in my experience) hour respawn.
I think it'd be cool for a realistic way to do manon and griffey for the advancement without taking anything away from people who do NEED them. I'd never 4th job advanced before so I went the fun way instead of buying my way through it. I get that the scroll is usually the best option, just pointing out there are some people who'd rather do it the other way
Well that's the problem, you don't know when Manon or Griffey were last killed, so you can't really time it. And if you can't be online for 6 hours on end to occassionally check for spawn, it tends to become frustrating. I did manage to grab one after a server reset (lucky I was on at that time), but I am not looking forward to this again if I manage to get another character to 120 Therefore, I'd still like this to be considered by the staff unless there's a really solid counterargument not to.
Well the counter argument is that most of us can grab a Manon or Griffy within 2 days if it's needed, or 1 if pressed, which is a perfectly valid amount of time.
I'm indifferent as to if they change the spawns or anything about this at all, but I do want to say one thing GMS added awhile ago: GMS now has a separate Manon and Griffey that you get teleported to fight for the star/pentagon. It wouldn't be a terrible idea if that could somehow be added here, but again, I'm fine either way. Just throwing this out there.
i 100% agree with this. Ive been camping manon for 10-12 hours (For ht prequest in order to get genesis) and ive only gotten to kill one.... ive seen more but theres a lot of competition between players.
Personally, I think we should remove the NX drop from Manon / Griffey, this way it will eliminate a numbers of NX bosser and increase the spawns rate so people can get manon crys for HT and skill quest. _ GMS also create a seperate Manon / Griffey like @danman said, but I don't think out server will release anything beyond big bang patch.
Nice necropost. Having to camp out maps for bosses is a part of MapleStory. It SHOULD be a pain to get Genesis; it's one of the most powerful skills in the game. We already implemented a means to slow the camping of Manon for Horntail runs a long time ago, and there is very little reason to make it easier once more. I say that as a person who, in my time on this server, has never had any significant trouble finding Manon for any reason, even when helping friends find one. I know that my experiences don't reflect the experiences of the server, but I've hunted Manon quite frequently over the last year and so I'd say my sample size is significant enough to mention.
New Source = Cool Down HT = Not many people need Manon/Griffey as they need them now = fixed. so just wait .. ~uptime command could help.
I understand mike's point however there's legit a guy I met during HT who has over 50 elixirs cause he just keeps killing them all. That seems kind of unfair to keep doing it just to hoard elixirs while people don't get the chance to even get their first set. Only speculation though
That is far away from truth as Jake pointed it out in one of the many threads about this before: so yeah... 50 elixirs is ~10 manons which is not even close to half the manons that spawn in a DAY. I used to own 50+ elixirs and I got to that number without even trying just by hunting manons whenever I was at leafre and had the quest active (which wasn't that often lol).
my point wasn't the difficulty in getting them, it was the necessity. did you REALLY need 50 at one time? you stated you did it each time you went to leafre. It'd be nice to do it when you actually need to, not just for the boredom, so the new player base can get some on their own. not everyone likes to wait the hours for it to spawn.
Each time I went to leafre and had the quest active = 0~2 manons a day. I highly doubt my killing rate of manon was harmful to anyone. The reason I would stack a high number of them is because I would need them eventually (I did end up using all my elixirs). What is the point of waiting to ran low on them if I knew I would need more?
Lol are you so bored you just try to argue? I wasn't pointing a finger at you like this is solely your fault, you have to take into account the many people who are also saving elixirs along with those who might need it to begin doing HT or get genesis. As someone who's been playing since the number of players wasn't even half it is now on a regular basis, I can say that for the one's who might need it to get genesis or just to begin pre quests for HT, it would be a bit more considerate not to hoard. Do whatever you want man, i'm just pointing this out.
My point is the people that are stacking a high amount of elixirs aren't doing it for fun, they are doing it because they will need them (I highly doubt many people can have fun doing such tedious quest). The number of manons that someone must kill in order to have enough elixirs to achieve his/her goals is not gonna change, people who stack elixirs just want to be over with it as soon as possible and not have to worry about elixirs ever again. There is always going to be people who want to finish their genesis quest so it doesn't matter if you are five elixirs away from your goal or you are all out of elixirs, everytime you kill a manon you will get in the way of someone doing their genesis quest. People who kill manon to get something that they could get from somewhere else (like NX) are the people who should be called out, not the people who are killing it to get something they can only get from manon.