Can I get afew basic tips to help me earning mesos, special drops that sell for more on here then anywhere else, popular gacha items to farm, etc any advice at all would be awesome
Beggining from level 50, get ap resets from cash shop and sell to players, it's a safe way to get some meso to deal with general stuff in the game; If you like mages, make one and sell leech (bishop or archmage + hs mule); If you prefer only bossing make an attacker and farm nx by killing bosses as well as get exp. Get a good amount of nx from them and spend them on gacha (mush shrine and nlc are the most popular ones since they give chaos scroll/white scroll (520m ea)). Nautilus and Perion are good choices too (taru totem and bluish mineral). Other than these... There are some mobs that drop some maple equips which can get something good. Also, platoon chronos gives maple shield which can be sold for 1.5-2m each clean and coolies zombies gives you zombie's lost tooth, which can be sold for 4-6k each.
Make a bisop, sell leech. You can make 1b a day if you're mentally strong. Highest I've made in a day as a Bishop is 1.5b.
its a work in progress LVL 52 now 89% .. and i got my NL lvl 16 ! lol , made a rogue level 28 but messed it up cause its been so long since i played, hoping i start investing more time after holidays
teach me your ways.. i barely have enough mental vitality to leech my own characters... although im fairly trash at TC.. so i guess it gets better if you know how to TC flawlessly
It is something you mentally have to get used to. We have all been there, we've all overcomed that mental issue with leeching yourself or someone else for a long period of time. It takes time and results will come. The motivation is what will be your strongest competitor. Lycka till!
my tip is to grind at zombies, until you turn a zombie yourself. When that happens you are mentally ready to leech for HOURS
Yeah, i just pulled myself out of my head and went from 30 to 90 in 3 days, but i dont really feel like selling it..! but my wash sin is slowly getting there! Kämpar på!