ALL Your Character Names: S2hanna, Hannas2, iJSK, Buffaneer, and a few more mules that are holding igns for me. Last thing you did: Hang out in Henesys Why do you think you got banned?: Completely unsure Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection What GM banned you (optional): Unsure!
I have never vote abused. Can you tell me which characters I voted multiple times on? Please take note, my wife and I are both on the whitelist.
do you both play on the same computer at the same time or do you log in for each other from time to time?
No we do not, we clarified this issue when I posted this thread here, Where Gert had instructed us on what to do, and from that moment forward we made sure to always use separate pcs.
im curious about it because some of your account details are the same and there's logins on the same pc from an account belonging to your partner 18 seconds after you logged out on an account of yours for example
Also, after the above post is read, can you please either delete it or censor it so people cannot see? as it is pretty sensitive information.
while these near-matching logins on the same pc from accounts belonging to different people look odd in the system that flagged you for vote abuse initially, you technically haven't broken any rules so you've been unbanned!