Hi, I bought some donator stuff a while ago and want to transfer it to a new character. Unfortunately, the items are undroppable. I'm not entirely sure why they aren't exchangeable in the first place, so would it be possible to make these items exchangeable like other NX items? Or, in case you don't want to make them tradeable to other players, at least exchangeable between characters on the same account (for example, by allowing storage in a storage NPC)? EDIT: Kristian's reply states something like a 'cash shop inventory'. How much time would it take to implement this?
Im pretty sure I read something about the cash shop inventory being worked on at one point... Possibly if that gets fixed we can store donator items in there to move them between characters within the same account.
Already thought as much, but I don't see a problem with it. I mean, it doesn't matter who donates right? Making the stuff tradeable might boost the amount of donations. That would be pretty sweet! Do you have a source?
It does matter because some new guy can join and make 500m+ a day selling RP. This server is strictly not pay 2 win
The point is to be able to give your items to your other accounts, which is something that could be done by fixing the cash shop inventory.
Yes, that's indeed the main point of this discussion! Can anyone confirm whether this will be fixed in the (near) future? I can understand this wouldn't get the highest of priorities, but it would be something to look out for
Can a GM confirm whether this idea will be worked on? If the cash shop inventory already exists in Mapleroyals's source, it might even be easy to implement. Just looking for some kind of confirmation here
Cash shop inventory currently doesn't work, but we are working on a lot of fixes right now and this will be one of them.