Info Feedback Thread: The New Terms and Conditions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Matt, Jan 9, 2021.

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  1. Matt

    Matt Administrator

    May 8, 2013
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    Hi everyone!

    With the start of this new year, the Staff will be rolling out a new and updated version of the Terms and Conditions document, to align better with our values and beliefs. This document has gone through several revisions and has been a collaborative effort extending over several months. The new rules will become effective in the near future, and thus we advise all players to read the new document below, thoroughly. Without further ado, below is a summary of the changes, and the reason for each respective change. Underneath this summary you will find the revised Terms and Conditions document in full, and yet further down is the new "Guidelines for Reporting" document.

    The purpose of this draft is to gather final input from the community. This will not serve as a direct democracy vote, but rather the Staff is interested in understanding the general reception of the changes made to the rules. If you have any opinions you wish to share, or ideas for improvements, or spot any loopholes or glaring weaknesses, you are free to speak your mind now. This thread will be left open for one (1) week from the time of posting, and after that the Staff will evaluate the feedback, and possibly make changes accordingly. The Staff reserves the right to ultimately decide what changes will be made. Do keep in mind that the reforms that have been made have been influenced by popular ideas circulated in the community, and the Staff has done its utmost to strike a balance between popular demand, and practicality from a "ability-to-uphold-the-law"-perspective.

    • The language used in the Terms and Conditions document has been revised and re-written for consistency and legibility.
    • Punishments for each category of infraction are now displayed at the top of the category, as every infraction within a category has the same punishment. This both serves to streamline the formatting of the thread, and it was deemed that the small necessary changes needed to achieve this were sensible as well.

    Major Infractions
    These are the changes made to, or concerning, the Major Infractions.

    Major Infraction - 2. Game Hacking's description (as well as information contained within the Appendix) no longer mention key macros, as this has historically caused confusion. Instead, relevant information about severe cases of robotic play has been added to the Appendix under Moderate Infraction - 5. Robotic Play.

    Major Infraction - 9. Improper Files has received a clarification in the Appendix concerning the use of outdated files. In cases where users were unaware that they were using outdated files, and were permanently banned as a result, the permanent ban will be lifted at the discretion of Staff, if the player files a Ban Appeal.

    Moderate Infractions
    These are the changes made to, or concerning, the Moderate Infractions.

    Moderate Infraction - 1. Staff Impersonation has had its first-time punishment changed to 14 days from 7.

    Moderate Infraction - 2. Solicitation has had its first-time punishment changed to 14 days from 7.

    Moderate Infraction - 3. Information Harvesting has had its first-time punishment changed to 14 days from 7. Additionally, a clarification regarding the domains in which the MapleRoyals Staff operates, and will consider, has been added. The new rule reads: information harvested about a player without their expressed consent, will be subject to punishment under this rule if shared within any of MapleRoyals domain, meaning the Discord server, the official Forum, and the in-game server. The point to take away from this is: the jurisdiction of the MapleRoyals Staff does not reach beyond the confines of our server, and we do not punish players on our server for their actions outside of our domains.

    Moderate Infraction - 5. Robotic Play has received a clarification in the Appendix about different forms of botting, as well as different forms of key macros and rebinds.

    Moderate Infraction - 7. Scamming is a new clause under Moderate Infractions. This rule represents a formalised punishment for acts of scamming, and is accompanied by a rigorous report guideline, which can be found below.

    Minor Infractions
    These are the changes made to, or concerning, the Minor Infractions.

    The punishments for all Minor Infractions have received a considerable overhaul. Now, the punishment are as follows:
    whereas previously they read:
    The new punishments more closely align with our - and the community's - ideas about what is reasonable considering the severity (or lack thereof) of these crimes. The MapleRoyals Staff does not wish to alienate players, and generally dislikes barring players from entry. We wish to foster a great and healthy community, and believe that permanently banning players for Minor Infractions causes more harm than good. However, this does not mean that we will be more tolerant of abuse and rude behavior between players. We want the server to be a safe and comfortable place for all, and we wish to encourage everyone to be nice to one another within the MapleRoyals domains, to not be petty, and to forgive rather than seek revenge.

    Minor Infraction - 1. Objectionable Behavior is the result of an attempt to streamline four (4) very similar rules of the old Terms and Conditions document, namely: Objectionable Behavior (Harassment), Objectionable Behavior (Disruption), Hate Speech, and Inappropriate Content.

    These four rules, which were only marginally different, left a great deal of room for interpretation, and unfortunately, inconsistency. Furthermore, it allowed for unsavory, repeat offenders to avoid harsher punishments due to minor technicalities in their cases. Henceforth, Minor Infraction - 1. Objectionable Behavior, will cover any and all speech and behavior that is considered vulgar, defamatory, obscene, hateful, discriminatory or derogatory, as well as transmitting any sort of content that is inappropriate, sexually explicit, or privately owned.

    We hope that this change will benefit all, Staff and players alike, by leading to more consistent punishment, and a more pleasant and wholesome atmosphere in-game.

    Additionally, the Staff will now consider Mass Defamation no less than two defames by an individual, and may also include asking, paying, or otherwise incentivizing other players to defame another individual. Keep in mind that any rule which deals in absolute numbers can be considered flawed and subject to abuse. The Staff wishes to clarify its stance on Objectionable Behavior, and wishes that none of us strive to see how far we can push each rule until before it reaches its breaking point.

    Lastly, in an effort to increase consistency in punishment, the Staff supplies a definitive list (which may be subject to change, in which case this will be publicly announced) of words that are immediately bannable. This list can be found in the Appendix under Minor Infraction - 1. Objectionable Behavior.
    To be clear, these are the words that are immediately bannable, irrespective of the context in which they were uttered, and regardless of who reports them. You will find more information about this in the Guidelines for Reporting thread, found below.

    Infractions by Extension
    These are the changes made to, or concerning, the Infractions by Extension.

    Believable Claim has been altered to clarify that jokes, irrespective of the location of the act, are subject to punishment under the relevant rule. In plain speech, the MapleRoyals Staff makes no distinction between "all-chat" and "guild-chat", to name one example. Kindly refrain from joking about breaking the rules of MapleRoyals.

    Guidelines for Reporting
    In addition to the new Terms and Conditions document, the Staff has provided a new and updated thread with tips and guidelines for how to file a successful report. You can find this below.

    While the information contained within that thread should hopefully be clear and concise, a special point about reporting Objectionable Behavior is perhaps warranted.

    The Staff has slightly altered its stance on the margins provided to players within which they are free to submit their reports for evaluation. This time-frame has been extended from 48 hours to 7 days. This change should hopefully give more players the time to consider their report and formulate their thoughts.

    We understand that some players may find it difficult to come to a decision within any given time-frame, and that a sharp deadline means imposing a psychological regulation. However, the deadlines serves an important purpose, in that it invalidates a large amount of "saved evidence" which has historically been used to strategically target players in time in attempts to remove them from the game. Additionally, the Staff has limited resources, and cannot consistently and effectively deal with very old cases. Lastly, the game lacks an automated in-game report system, which is otherwise common for MMORPGs. Contrast such a system with leaving the task of manually reporting others, to the players. The latter has obvious downsides, which are especially prevalent and detrimental to a small game and Staff like MapleRoyals, in that they allow the reporter to control the narrative, to a greater extent. The 7 day deadline is a pragmatic approach to solve all of these issues, and we are hopeful that the players affected negatively by this rule are a small subset of the larger population.

    A final note about filing reports on Objectionable Behavior:
    • Reports for harassment directed at a specific player must be filed by the victim of said harassment.
    • Reports for hate speech or use of prohibited terminology (list found in the T&C's appendix below) can be filed by anyone.
    The first point also signifies a shift in how we deal with reports. This means that the Staff takes the stance that only the person who is the target for certain objectionable behavior, can determine if said behavior is offensive. One player can not report another, for behavior displayed against a third party.
    The only exceptions to this rule can be found in the list of prohibited terminology, which can be found in the Appendix of the Terms and Conditions under Minor Infraction - 1. Objectionable Behavior.


    That's all, folks. This covers all of the changes made to the Terms and Conditions document, and we hope that it pre-emptively answers some of your questions. Kindly familiarise yourself with the new rules, and if you have any input or ideas, now is the time to voice them! Remember: be nice to others, and let's try to foster a positive and wholesome atmosphere here within our small mushroom game!

    Happy Mapling!

    - The MapleRoyals Staff
    tomatodee, Aestel, Alstero and 7 others like this.
  2. Matt

    Matt Administrator

    May 8, 2013
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    MapleRoyals Game Terms & Conditions 3.0
    Last Updated : January 2nd, 2021

    This document will separate the Terms & Conditions into three sections identified as Sections 1 through 3, under which specific conditions will be listed and identified by additional numbers.

    Section 1. Overview
    By registering a game account with MapleRoyals, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions stated below. For the purposes of this document, the personal identifiers “we,” “us,” “our,” and any others, refer to the MapleRoyals Staff, while the second and third person identifiers refer to any registered account user.

    MapleRoyals Staff reserves the right to, at any given time:

    1. Change any term or condition within this agreement;
    2. Change the game, including terminating, eliminating, supplementing, modifying, adding to or discontinuing any content, data or feature of the game, or the hours that the game is available, and;
    3. Change the equipment, hardware or software required to use or access the game.
    Any of the above changes may not be accompanied with forewarning, and all changes will be made effective immediately upon notice, which may be provided by any means, including, but not limited to, game, website, or forum announcement. Any use of the game, website, or forum after such notice will be deemed as an acceptance of such changes.

    Section 2. Registration
    When registering for a game account with MapleRoyals, you are subject to the following restrictions:

    1. Acceptance of Agreement
      By registering a game account with MapleRoyals, you agree that you willingly accept responsibility for any and all characters on said account, and, in the case of multiple registered accounts, that any actions taken against one account registered to you apply to all registered accounts.
    2. Age Restrictions
      In order to register a game account, you must be over the age of 13 and otherwise have the right, authority, and capacity to enter into this agreement. We reserve the right to terminate any game accounts that are found to be in breach of this clause without notice.
    3. Registration Information
      In order to register an account, you are required to provide us with specific information about yourself, including a valid e-mail address and your date of birth. In addition, by registering an account, you are agreeing to the collection of your IP address, MAC address, and Hardware ID. You agree that all of these pieces of information are to be kept up-to-date, accurate, and complete. All of these pieces of information are collected for internal purposes, including, but not limited to, verification of your rights to the account, insurance of the uniqueness of the account, and account security issues. We reserve the right to terminate any game accounts or restrict your access to the game at our discretion if we determine that any of this information is falsified, incorrect, or otherwise invalid.
    Account Information Agreement
    As part of the registration and character creation process, you will be requested to create a username, password, Personal Identification Number ("PIN"), and character in-game name (“IGN”) that will identify you. Both your username and character IGN must be unique to any and all pre-existing ones, and are subject to the following conditions:
    I) The name may not be considered vulgar, defamatory, obscene, hateful, discriminatory or derogatory on the basis of personal identity - including, but not limited to, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, and national origin - or otherwise offensive, including any alternate spellings or misspellings at our discretion;
    II) The name must be in compliance with the software's internal restrictions: no longer than 12 characters, no shorter than 4 characters, restricted to only use the lower- and upper-case alphabet and whole numbers from 0-9;
    III) The name must not imply that you are a part of MapleRoyals Staff, or that you have any specific privileges, including, but not limited to, the use of abbreviations such as “Dev”, “GM”, or “Admin”;
    IV) The name may not be used in conjunction with any perceived attempt to impersonate another player, person, or entity; and
    V) The name may not be used to promote, advertise, condone, or describe any activities connected to real world trading.

    Outside of the above restrictions, we reserve the right to change, remove, alter, or delete any character at any time for any reason at our discretion. If you are in breach of any of the above conditions, you may be subject to alterations or other consequences that we deem appropriate, including, but not limited to, the changing of the name in question, restriction of access to the game, or termination of your account at our discretion based upon the severity of the breach.

    Section 3. Game Use & Restrictions
    Any player accessing MapleRoyals is, by playing the game, agreeing that Game Masters (“GMs”), Administrators (“Admins”), and any other MapleRoyals Staff have ultimate discretion and authority in applying or interpreting any clause of the following section based on the evidence obtained from any source. Furthermore, MapleRoyals Staff possess the authority and the ability to exercise the right to modify any punishment for a violation of the Game Use & Restrictions. Upon breach of any of the following clauses, you acknowledge that you have the right to one appeal in which you may present any evidence of your innocence you wish, after which any decision made by MapleRoyals Staff is final and binding, and you are no longer entitled to any further appeals.

    While using the game, you agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. We reserve the right to take any actions we deem necessary and appropriate in order to preserve the integrity of the game at our discretion. While using the game, you agree not to commit any of the following acts, organized into three categories of severity.

    Major Infractions:
    Punishment: Permanent ban.

    1. Account Hacking - The act of accessing or restricting any game account which was not initially created by you by any means, including any sort of account phishing, or editing or defacing any part of the game. Additionally, the act of soliciting or attempting to obtain any private account information from any individual who owns an account on MapleRoyals through any method.
    2. Game Hacking - The act of using or benefiting from any third-party program or macro program, editing or defacing any part of the game to gain any sort of advantage over other players, or otherwise selling, advertising, distributing, or posting information related to the act.
    3. Server Attack - The act of directly attempting to disrupt, alter, or otherwise tamper with any server or connection associated with the game, including denial of service attacks.
    4. Duping - The act of exploiting any sort of glitch, unintended feature, flaw in game design, or using third party programs, with the intent to duplicate items or mesos, including knowingly possessing or requesting illegitimate items or mesos.
    5. Malicious Content - The act of transmitting or providing access to websites, sources of any software or other materials designed for phishing personal data or contain any viruses, worms, trojan horses, defects, date bombs, time bombs, or other items of a destructive nature.
    6. Illegal Content - The act of providing, transmitting, or otherwise allowing access to non-public information without permission from the rightful owners of the content, including the transmission of third-party trade secrets.
    7. Game Monitoring - The act of scripting, macroing, or otherwise monitoring actions of the game, including "packet sniffing" for any purpose.
    8. Real World Trading - The act of exploiting the software or the game for any sort of commercial purpose, including buying or selling items, mesos, or services for real world currency or barter. Additionally, any and all solicitation, advertisement, or other promotion of the aforementioned.
    9. Improper Files - The act of operating MapleRoyals using altered, damaged, outdated, or edited files, or otherwise any game files that were not provided by MapleRoyals Staff, including, but not limited to, any changes to the User Interface or language of the game text, and use of outdated MapleRoyals files more than 14 days separated from the time of the files becoming outdated.
    10. Account Sharing - The act of sharing the use your account, sharing account information with any other individual, or the act of logging into or otherwise using an account owned by another person, with or without permission, regardless of whether or not the information was directly or indirectly shared. Please be aware that, in some cases as per discretion of Staff, we reserve the right to respond with a less harsh punishment. See Appendix for more information.
    Moderate Infractions:
    Punishment: First offense - 14 day ban, Second offense - Permanent ban.

    1. Staff Impersonation - The act of expressing, implying, or otherwise stating that you or your actions are endorsed by MapleRoyals Staff, that you are a part of Staff when you are not, claiming privileges or rights by association to Staff, or misleading players to believe any of the above.
    2. Solicitation - The act of advertising or soliciting any sort of commercial opportunities of any nature, including chain letters, pyramid schemes, investment opportunities, or commercial advertising, or additionally providing access to any location that does the above.
    3. Information Harvesting (Stalking) - The act of collecting any information about the game or any individual associated with the game, including players, ownership, or any involved third-parties, without their expressed consent, and sharing or distributing this in any way or form within the official MapleRoyals Discord, MapleRoyals Forum, and MapleRoyals game server.
    4. Glitch Abuse - The act of exploiting any errors in game design or any features or bugs, documented or otherwise, that are not meant to be available in order to gain any sort of advantage over other players.
    5. Robotic Play - The act of engaging in robotic or automatic play which allows your character to function without your presence or interaction. Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per discretion of Staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of whether it is your first offense. See Appendix for more information.
    6. Vote Abuse - The act of attempting to, or successfully, bypassing the restrictions of voting no more than once per 24 hours. Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per discretion of Staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of if it is your first offense.
    7. Scamming - The act of intentionally defrauding others during in-game transactions to gain any sort of advantage over other players.
    Minor Infractions:
    Punishment: First offense - 3 day ban, Second offense - 7 day ban, Third offense - 30 day ban, Subsequent offenses - 90 day ban

    1. Objectionable Behavior - The act of insulting, threatening, or harassing other players or Staff, or engaging in speech that is vulgar, defamatory, obscene, hateful, discriminatory or derogatory on the basis of personal identity - including, but not limited to, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, and national origin - irrespective of the language used. Additionally, the act of "spamming" or "flooding" with chat or skills, or any other action that is excessively disruptive to the individuals around you, as well as transmitting any sort of content that is inappropriate, sexually explicit, or privately owned.
    2. Kill-stealing - The act of attacking bosses or monsters on a map persistently without the system designation of ownership via the ~mapowner in-game command, or alternatively last-hitting any bosses or monsters on a map without that same designation, without the expressed permission of the player who does have that designation.
    3. Map Looting - The act of looting one or more items dropped from a boss monster, regular monster, or other map element without the system designation of ownership via the ~mapowner in-game command, or alternatively without the expressed permission of the player who does have that designation.
    Infractions by Extension:
    1. Believable Claim - The act of making any claim or joke to have broken any other rule listed above that we deem believable, including posing, impersonating, or otherwise claiming to be a player who has broken a rule, irrespective of the location of the act. Punishment: Identical to actually breaking the rule.
    2. Ban Evasion - The act of circumventing a ban that exists on a player through the use of any means with the intent to, or accomplishing, access of the game on any account. Punishment: Identical to the consequence of which the player attempts to, or already has, circumvented.
    3. Associative Rule-breaking - The act of partying with any player who is breaking any rule listed above, or otherwise requesting that a player break any of the above rules for your own benefit. Punishment: Identical to that which the player who has broken the rule.
    Additional information regarding the above terms may be found in the following appendix, included to assist in better understanding of terms that may include special circumstances or situations. Please note that not all of the above terms may have further explanations.

    2. Game Hacking - You are allowed to rebind keys in a 1:1 action matter with third party software as there is no direct benefit in doing that over using the default keys. We also allow the use of controllers and remapping software for example, as long as the player can reply while playing to not be mistaken for a bot.
    4. Duping - It is possible to envision scenarios in which unpredictable server malfunction or otherwise unknown server glitch/error may cause items or mesos to be duplicated in a player's inventory. In this scenario, a Game Master or other member of Staff must be contacted immediately to correct the issue - failure to do so will be considered knowingly utilizing a flawed game scenario to duplicate items, and would therefore result in a permanent ban.
    8. Real World Trading (RWT) - Real World Trading involves the transaction of out-of-game services, items, or currency for in-game benefits. We understand that some players are interested in other activities, such as arts, crafts, or Twitch Streaming, and may wish to compensate those who assist them from either side with in-game benefits. However, this does place a player in a situation where they may be considered to have participated in real world trading, at the discretion of Staff. We advise against any and all of these sorts of meso-for-art trades. Furthermore, the act of soliciting real world trading does qualify as an infraction of this rule, both in-game and out of game, and therefore requesting any in-game item for real world currencies or vice versa may result in consequences as per this rule at the discretion of Staff. For live streaming or similar content, the content creator should ensure they do not offer in-game items or services in exchange for followers, subscribers, donations, or anything else that may constitute real world benefits. If a content creator wishes to give away items or mesos, this must be done fairly to all viewers and not specifically for followers, subscribers, or donators. Additionally, content creators must not incentivize following, subscribing, or donating by rewarding such acts with in-game benefits.
    9. Improper Files - This rule is in place to ensure that all individuals playing our server are using files provided to them by us. We understand that some players may speak in other languages or prefer to use different user interfaces for vanity or ease of access. However, this will be treated as defacing our game files as a whole, rather than just the game file that deals with the particular area in question. As such, the use of any altered official MapleRoyals file, or the use of any file to operate MapleRoyals which was not provided to the players by us, will be considered to have broken this rule and will therefore face consequences under this rule. However, a ban imposed under this rule will be lifted in the event that the player was merely using outdated files, and submits a ban appeal.
    10. Account Sharing - This rule was altered in October of 2014 to respond to the growing number of people abusing the ability to share accounts for a variety of purposes that we deemed unacceptable. Eight scenarios for which account sharing will be considered an immediate permanent ban are the following:

    1. Using power-levelling services;
    2. Two or more people taking turns in levelling up a character (i.e. training);
    3. Logging onto someone else's character in order to leech your own;
    4. Removing items from or deleting someone else's character;
    5. Giving an account with a high-levelled character on it to someone else;
    6. Committing a bannable offence (other than just account sharing) on someone else's account;
    7. Wasting Staff time by lying about the account sharing;
    8. Sharing your account details with multiple people.
    In any other situations, the default punishment will be a 30 day ban and potentially a reversal of actions taken during the share, however, this is still subject to Staff discretion and the involved parties may face a permanent ban regardless of their situation not being listed above. Finally, the use of the same account information as other locations such as your personal social medias or any other game servers does not violate this rule, however, any individuals who access your account on the basis of knowledge of account information in other places does. You are responsible for the privacy of your own account information.
    1. Staff Impersonation - This term includes actions taken cross platform - if an attempt is made to impersonate a member of Staff on the forums, a player may still face repercussion in-game. In many cases, a member of Staff will share a name/nickname with other players that are not members of Staff. For other players, it is still acceptable to use these shared names as an in-game name, however actions taken by a player with this sort of name that may imply association with Staff, including misleading guild names or forum posts, may result in consequences under this rule.
    4. Glitch Abuse - In any situation where a player is uncertain if the function of the game they are attempting to utilize is intended or not, we strongly advise the player to contact a member of Staff, or as a last resort, inquire among other players. Many of the glitches that exist within our game are known and players are told that, while a fix is being worked on, they are to avoid these actions at the risk of consequences under the glitch abuse rule. In addition, if a player discovers a glitch that has not been reported, we advise the player to immediately report it to a member of Staff to avoid any consequences.
    5. Robotic Play - This act will be defined as the failure of a player to respond to a member of Staff when prompted and visibly at the controls of their character, as evidenced by actions such as movement or use of skills. In the situation where a player is prompting another player, a response is not strictly mandatory; however, a player report in which a player is being prompted numerous times without a response over a long period of time may be considered sufficient evidence for consequences under this rule at the discretion of Staff. As such, we strongly suggest to all players to respond to any prompts in order to avoid being portrayed in a manner which may not be true. Consider the appended information regarding 1:1 key rebinds under Major Infaction - 2. Game Hacking: The use of third-party key macros which cause one input action to register multiple outputs, or leaving weights on your keyboard, or any other method which allows your character to function without your presence or interaction will be considered grounds for consequences under this rule. However, please be aware that scripted macro programs which control your character may be considered a game hack and subject to punishment under Major Infraction - 2. Game Hacking.
    6. Vote Abuse - Please be aware that while the voting rules of this server may be complex, they are made available to players every time they access the MapleRoyals voting page. While we understand that players may at times unintentionally engage in vote abuse, ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable justification for breaking them. See Voting Rules for more information.
    7. Scamming - The act includes situations where players have entered an agreement for in-game services to be completed in exchange for mesos or items. The purpose of this rule is to provide protection for players engaging in transactions that cannot be otherwise safeguarded due to client limitations, such as purchasing leeching services or drop trading. As such, cases such as accidentally buying questionably overpriced items in the free market are not covered by this rule as the price is clearly shown alongside a confirmation window.
    As a general statement for terms under the Minor Infractions title, please be aware that Staff retains the right to decide on a case-by-case basis what infracts the rule and what does not. A similar case in the past does not necessarily qualify a current case to be treated in a similar manner, as every case is different and the nature of inappropriate actions is constantly changing. To be safe from potential bans under minor infractions, the most general suggestion we have is to act as though you are in a real life public situation with your superiors around you. If you are respectful to the individuals around you, it will severely reduce any likelihood of facing minor infraction consequences.
    1. Objectionable Behavior - There are multiple scenarios in which harassment can be defined. Persistence and level of aggression are two major factors - constant harassment over a long period of time will likely qualify a player as having broken this rule, or alternatively a strongly objectionable statement or group of statements over a short period of time. Persistent mass defamation will be considered no less than two defames by an individual and may also include asking, paying, or otherwise incentivizing other players to defame another individual. Be aware that the use of certain words, and any variation on them, will result in an immediate ban, regardless of the circumstances under which they were uttered.
    Slurs such as [​IMG] and [​IMG], as well as any variations on them, are immediately bannable regardless of the context. Other highly offensive slurs may be considered equally bannable at the discretion of Staff, particularly when used in public chat or when used specifically against another player. We also prohibit slurs used in non-English cultures and languages. In general, we recommend players to engage with one another with mutual respect and conduct themselves with decency, and to keep any use of vulgarities in private channels.
    2. Kill-stealing - The ~mapowner command has been put into place for the reason of understanding which player in a kill-stealing altercation is in the right and which is in the wrong. The ~mapowner command functions in-game to determine which character possesses ownership of the map and all contained monsters. Upon attaining ownership of a map, the owner is granted three minutes of immunity, after which the first character on the map to attack will have ownership transferred to them. If the owner attacks prior to the three minutes expiring, the three minute immunity is refreshed to the time of the attack - therefore, the owner of the map must not attack on the map for a period of three minutes before the ownership becomes claimable. This allows the owner to leave their computer for smaller purposes without allowing ownership retention over long periods of inactivity. A player who is not the map owner may still attack on the map, however, if the owner of the map decides to ask the player to leave, they must comply at the risk of consequence by this rule, regardless of any past agreements.
    3. Map Looting - Please refer to the above appendix section on Kill-stealing for a detailed explanation of how the ~mapowner designation functions. This rule does not apply to group bossing expeditions, where players are expected to communicate with one another on the allocation of drops. Additionally, this rule does not encompass items dropped by a player. You are responsible for items you have dropped from your own character, whether the incident was accidental or not; map ownership does not apply to instances in which a player has lost an item to another player via looting in which that first player dropped the item. Finally, a player is allowed to loot drops on a map with the permission of the designated map owner; however, in the case that that permission is revoked by the map owner, they must comply at the risk of consequences under this rule, regardless of any past agreements.
    2. Associative Rule-breaking - This rule encompasses benefiting from any rule-breaker who may be in your party or otherwise causing you benefit. This includes actions such as robotic casting of Holy Symbol, party quest glitch abuse, or a character using hacks in your party. Leniency may be applied to players who could not have known the situation, as well as to players who report the situation to MapleRoyals Staff. If you are ever unsure of what is occurring, we strongly recommend that you leave the party and remove yourself from the presence of the rule-breaking individual.

    Thank you for taking the time to read and understand the MapleRoyals Terms & Conditions. Please familiarize yourself with all terms to ensure that your time on MapleRoyals is uninterrupted by consequences for your actions.
    -- MapleRoyals Administration
  3. Matt

    Matt Administrator

    May 8, 2013
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    Gathering Evidence for Reporting

    How to capture screenshots and videos
    There are many different tools for capturing screenshots and videos. Listed below are a just few good options and instructions on how to use the tools to gather your evidence.

    Don't want to download an additional program and don't mind having recordings on your computer?
    If you have Windows 10, you can use Xbox Game Bar.
    • For recordings, search Xbox Game Bar in the task bar near Cortana. You can also press [Windows]+Alt+G if you have your game client open.
    • Record your game client using [Windows]+Alt+R.
    • Navigate to the folder where you recordings are kept.
    • Upload videos to streamable.
    • For screenshots, use Snip & Sketch [Windows]+Shift+S key on keyboard to take a photo screen.
    • Upload images to imgur.
    For quick and efficient recordings, download Gyazo here.
    • Use Gyazo Gaming to record your full client or Gyazo Screenshots to take pictures of your MapleRoyals client.
    • Include your full client. Cropped or edited screenshots/recordings will not be accepted as evidence.
    • Navigate to to get the links for your screenshots/recordings and paste them into your report.

    Gyazo does not store the recordings/screenshots on your computer so you don't have to worry about space.
    Another downloadable alternative is ShareX, which you may download here.
    Once installation is done, open up the program and you will see the following window.

    Click "After capture tasks" and ensure "Upload image to host" text bold.

    Click "After upload tasks" and ensure "Open URL" is checked. This will open up the evidence you just took in a new tab in your browser. Optionally, you can select "Copy URL to clipboard" as well.

    Click "Destinations" and set where you want images and files to be uploaded to. By default it will be Imgur and DropBox respectively, but we recommend changing DropBox to Streamable as those do not require any additional configuration to be done.

    Click "Hotkey settings..." and set your hotkey, if you wish, for easier capturing. The following are my hotkeys.

    Done! Now, head back to MapleRoyals and test out the capturing program.

    NOTE: For "Capture active window", it refers to the application that is current active. To do this, just click into your MapleRoyals client (as long as you can move around, MapleRoyals is marked as the active window).
    For "Start/stop screen recording, place your cursor to the top of the client, and it will record the full window as shown by the dotted lines surrounding the MapleRoyals client.

    Optional: If you don't wish to configure any hotkeys (although strongly recommended), you can right-click the ShareX icon on your taskbar to select the capture option, OR click on the icon ONCE to activate the screenshotting feature. This ShareX guide was written by Kai a couple years ago, so might be a little outdated!
    Download and install OBS at
    Once your installation is done, open the program.

    Next you need to add a source, this can be done by clicking on the " + " Symbol under the sources box.

    In this menu, there are 2 options you can go with. Display Capture, and Window Capture.
    • Display Capture will capture the entire screen that you select, not only a specific window. This can be used if an error closes your client.
    • Window Capture will only capture the specific window you have selected for it to capture.
    Once you've selected the Display Capture it will ask for you to create a new one, name it whatever you want it to be called and click "OK"

    In this menu, select your main monitor. "Display 1" this will most likely be where the game will open, and where any error windows will come up. Click "OK"

    It should look something like this if done correctly.
    Once you've selected Window Capture, it will ask for you to create a new one, name it whatever you want it to be called and click "OK"

    In this menu, select your client you wish to record in the window drop down menu and click "OK"

    It should look something like this, Next we want to resize to make sure we only use the necessary space.

    Next, you want to Right click in the red highlighted box, Click on "Resize Output (Source Size)" Another window will open, click "Yes".

    It should look some thing like:

    The next steps are the same, regardless which capture option you decided to use.

    Next you want to open up OBS settings, but dropping the File menu and finding settings or clicking setting near the bottom right of the OBS window.

    This is the Setting window, on the left there are different tabs. We are interested in the "Output" Tab. Click on that.

    This is the Output tab, here it will most likely have everything set up for you already. If not, you can copy the same settings I have (different recording path of course) and it should work correctly.

    You will only need to change setting in the "Recording" section of the options, the "Streaming" section does not matter in this case.
    Click "Apply" and "OK"

    Now you should be ready to being recording.
    At the bottom right, you can click on "Start Recording". This will record everything that you have in the OBS Preview screen. Once you click it, it will look like this:
    To stop, or pause recording click "Stop recording" or "||".

    Once you are satisfied with your recording, and you have captured what you need. Search for the file in the destination you selected in the setting and double check that the quality and content is good.

    Lastly, upload it to Streamable or Youtube and share the link.​
    Guidelines for Reporting:


    • A character name report is sufficient, however we will still need to find the character online to issue the ban, and will not issue a ban without screenshot or video evidence. Multiple character names per report are accepted.
    • Add screenshots/video evidence if possible.
      • The evidence must fully show the character name of the hacker.
      • The evidence must prove beyond reasonable doubt that hacks are being used.
    Objectionable Behavior:
    • All reports for harassment must include ~servertime in the screenshot at the time in which the reported action took place. All reports must be submitted within 7 days of the timestamp.
    • Reports for harassment directed at a specific player must be filed by the victim of said harassment.
    • Reports for hate speech or use of prohibited terminology (list found here) can be filed by anyone.
    • Include the full chat history. Maximize your chat log to show the full conversation.
    • Describe the full backstory of the event: what initiated the behaviour, what the player did, what you did in retaliation.
    • Staff reserve the right to interpret and enforce the Objectionable Behaviour rule as we deem appropriate for each specific situation.
    • Record the entire interaction to protect yourself and properly report the scammer in question.
    • Include evidence of agreement (agreed price of item/service, items included in trade, ~servertime, party window, your exp bar (if buying leech) etc.)
    • Include evidence that agreement wasn't met (include ~servertime command to show time duration, screenshots of person offline or gone, your exp bar, party window)
    • Include evidence that the other part doesn't intend on rectifying the issue (chat screenshots, etc).
    • Please understand that Staff does not refund/return/pay back any transactions.
    Kill-Stealing/Map Looting:
    • Include ~mapowner in the screenshot.
    • Explicitly ask the person to leave if they are kill-stealing or map-looting on your map, and include evidence of their noncompliance as well as your attempts of asking them to stop.
      • You may use ~servertime timestamps within your evidence to help document continued noncompliance and that time has passed from your attempts to ask them to stop.
    RWT/Suspicious Activity/Account Sharing:
    • Provide as much concrete evidence (chats, equip lists, personal info window) regarding the player you are accusing.
    Please note:
    • Recordings are better than screenshots.
    • Any evidence with edited/cropped screenshots will invalidate the report.
    • Do not use pictures taken with a phone or camera.
    • Following these guidelines may not always guarantee a successful report. However, good evidence will always help your case.
  4. Sen

    Sen Donator

    Jul 14, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Hello everyone! This is a gentle reminder to keep any comments and feedback that you may have civil. We will be monitoring this thread carefully to make sure it doesn't devolve our spiral out of control to the best of our abilities. But we also understand that people likely have strong opinions on these rules (especially given recent events), so we are proactively asking that you treat one another in this community with mutual respect. The last thing I want is to have to lock this thread prematurely before everyone can have their fair say. Thank you! ~imboss
    Penny, Dave Deviluke and lxlx like this.
  5. EZFebreezy

    EZFebreezy Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    blasted into the sun
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    I would propose or recommend that for Party quests (APQ, CWKPQ) and boss runs that there is a standard agreement that is implicitly agreed to unless otherwise stated (with the terms solicited by players and posted here by a staff member). Running PQs and bosses would be really obnoxious if you have to type out long multi line agreement and capture affirmation from everyone before entering in order to protect yourself from griefers/looters.
    McPew, TN Laxus, Dabsta and 2 others like this.
  6. Johnny

    Johnny Donator

    Mar 23, 2016
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    For Hate speech why not just filter the “bannable”words/slurs with *** instead? If one tries to purposely bypass it then a ban should be made. This might reduce the amount of petty reports made.
    Doo, KittehIshMad, Mayaxor and 18 others like this.
  7. Sen

    Sen Donator

    Jul 14, 2016
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    What rule are you referring to? We've added a new clause to the Appendix of Map Looting where the rule "does not apply to group bossing expeditions, where players are expected to communicate with one another on the allocation of drops." For starters it sounds like that clause should include PQs as well.

    A filter is being actively considered and is potentially in the works! Trying to be vague as possible lol 0:)
    Penny likes this.
  8. EZFebreezy

    EZFebreezy Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    blasted into the sun
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    To me, breaking the agreement for group expeditions or PQs would be scamming, but there is an implicit agreement on terms of looting amongst players that’s in place for 99.9% of runs and having that agreement explicitly stated as the default agreement unless another agreement is in place would make catching and punishing players who scam/grief whatever other players by breaking that agreement much easier.
    TN Laxus, Dabsta and Sen like this.
  9. lxlx

    lxlx Donator

    Jul 18, 2017
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    This just doesn't sit well with me if this part is to be finalized, sounds like a surefire way to introduce doxxing group discord activities, since you made it so clear that doxxers won't be banned as long as they do it elsewhere. If you/staff aren't gonna protect players from being cyber bullied on the pretext of "jurisdiction boundaries", especially when it is YOUR server that some people might maliciously use as a platform to acquire targets to victimize, the ideology of having this rule seems pretty redundant.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2021
    Penny, Alstero, Henray17 and 4 others like this.
  10. Dave Deviluke

    Dave Deviluke Forum Moderator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    It's hard for Staff to investigate such matters when the incident occurs at a place where there is no Staff to monitor the situation

    And it's entirely possible for players to impersonate as someone else on Discord with the same name + profile picture, and Staff won't be able to verify the actual culprit in that scenario

    Note: I'm not supporting Discord groups that doxx, but the Staff are unable to guarantee protection if we are unable to identify the players 100% on Discord
    Alstero, lxlx, silv and 3 others like this.
  11. lxlx

    lxlx Donator

    Jul 18, 2017
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    The same could be said for RWT related matters, yet evidences from external sources such as discord are allowed to be used for RWT cases, where else it's not for doxxing cases?
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
  12. Dave Deviluke

    Dave Deviluke Forum Moderator

    Oct 5, 2017
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    MapleRoyals Discord
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    It's a completely different scenario for RWT cases

    Let's supposed if I reported someone with a Discord chat of him saying he bought 3b meso, and upon investigation of in-game logs, he did obtain 3b meso and could not provide the clear origin of it - that is verifiable
  13. lxlx

    lxlx Donator

    Jul 18, 2017
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    People have been banned for RWT solicitation or for RWT intentions from solely discord evidences alone after the accused player in the discord evidence has been confirmed to be the same player in-game.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
    ginwolf, Penny, yaqzan and 8 others like this.
  14. Donn1e

    Donn1e Donator

    Jan 12, 2020
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    This is huge to me, after the last guy I reported for leech scamming like 5 people at the same time got banned for 3 days and kept his meso.
    Thank you!
    Alstero and Dabsta like this.
  15. nosebleed

    nosebleed Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Wait, so we’re allowed to post, talk about and make fun of players public profiles, photos and lives just as long as it takes place away from MapleRoyals game, forum, and discord? Hell yes. As it should be.

    Seems like everything has somehow actually become more lenient and normal. I... never thought I’d say it, but good job with this rework. Restored some sanity to the server. Hopefully this gets more of those overly sensitive losers to leave and allows for many of those normal players who were retardedly banned for speech related offenses to return.
  16. maggles

    maggles Donator

    Jun 5, 2013
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    local crag
    First off would like to say, am pleasantly surprised by a majority of these changes.

    However, 1 issue:
    Would this apply to all rules including: Minor Infractions 1. Objectional behaviour? For example, will we be banned for speech and behaviour that is considered vulgar, defamatory, obscene (as well as transmitting any sort of content that is inappropriate and sexually explicit) within guild-chat and/or buddy-chat?
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
  17. Joong

    Joong Developer

    Aug 9, 2013
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    Unless I am misinterpreting your question, any speech or behaviour directed at another user, regardless of whether it takes place in all-chat, buddy chat, guild chat, whispers (or elsewhere) can be reported by the targetted user if they feel offended, unless the language used includes any of the "immediately bannable" words, in which case it can be reported by anyone. The change you are quoting serves to clarify that, for example, claiming to be hacking is not tolerable, whether the claim or joke is made in all-chat or guild chat.
    maggles likes this.
  18. nosebleed

    nosebleed Well-Known Member

    Jan 10, 2018
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    ^ Hold up, so this changes the rule from being allowed to use "prohibited" words in party/buddy chat, to not being allowed to use them at all, even when in private?
  19. Dabsta

    Dabsta Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    I feel like there should be a permanent ban after a 90 day ban, some people are just inherently toxic and 5 strikes is more than enough imo for someone to understand their behavior isn't welcome
    RareCandies likes this.
  20. maggles

    maggles Donator

    Jun 5, 2013
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    local crag
    So to confirm, one cannot report a fellow guildie for profane and/or sexually explicit language unless they themselves are the target of such language (or 'immediately bannable' words are used). For arguments sake, would a user outside said-guild or buddy-chat be able to file a report if they obtained a screenshot showing they were a target of such language or behaviour?
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