Is it possible to implement a new NX pet equip that only loots a list of specific item, i.e. the opposite of what Item Ignore does? Edit: To keep it simpler, perhaps have it assigned to the same slot as Item Ignore, and 1 char cannot have both equipped at the same time.
I wish it could ignore more items also, like directly increase the capacity of that list, or maybe I have 3 pets with 3 ignore equips so it could be 30 items.
Would be wonderful for collecting events ects. without constantly clogging up your inventory with useless junk you don't need
Can you give an example of where this would come in useful? Any why the item ignore isn't appropriate for the same function?
MC - Looting coins, though I've seen someone on stream managed to setup enough Item Ignores in MC1 to only loot the coins. Farming - A separate char that only picks up the items ignored by the main to reduce clutter on screen, but probably only multi mage farmers will do this. Could be useful for events like right now for people who don't like random items to clutter up their inventory. Item Ignore is still better for bossing.
Horntail & Zakum Its common nowadays for the party host to sweep the Books , Weapons & potions to distribute them after accordingly. Right now theres a whole list of item that needs to be ignored. In bossing characters to have 2 different pets to just barely filling up the entire list of drops to be ignored in a certain boss. Which is kinda yikes. Auf usually helms are just stucked at the right or left corner, and covered by all the drops & 5k NX. If we can have this pet choice of drop, helm looter in static parties can have a amazing time using the pet to simply yoink the helm , instead of looting drops one by one, and go “oh shit sry buddy i looted your 5k” Farmers & leechers Would be pretty nice for players to explore different maps and simply type in the drops they’re looking for. No one really wants a crazy ton of veetron horns or wyvern wings topping it off with a bunch of shiny bullets after returning or moving to the other map.
For example leechers, if I leech at say Petri, I have 10 items I need to ignore (moss rock, mana elixir, unagi, monster card, skill book, w.e) if I want to then do ulu2, I have to remove 2 things so I can add veetron and slygie etc, then when back to petri redo the things I removed. The capacitiy is just too small imo, when I'm trying to farm event items (like snow, stars, event dinner stuff) at low level areas (i.e near henesys) I clog up my inventory with random crap since I don't want to lose my petri/ulu ignores. if I on my way kill a random mob it will pick up what it drops even if I dont need it. On the other hand, if you had the opposite, ignore all and select what you DO want, you can manually choose what you want, Just nisrocks from petri, or just red craven or w.e else you want and you wont accidentally clog your inventory. Basically, there's too much TO block, and too little capacity to register.
There's a possible workaround for you if you're willing to utilize multiple pets. Each pet stores its own item-ignore list, allowing you to have a "petri ignore" and an "ulu ignore" pet. As long as you set the pet leader appropriately (if u have multiple pets out at once), it will ignore the items like you want.
There wouldn't really be a way to implement an item like is being suggested in the thread, however we can look into seeing if we can increase the current limit of 10 items that can be listed in item ignore. It is also currently possible to ignore up to 30 items with 3 pets if that helps
Not that many items to exclude for CPQ actually List of must-add i. Stunner ii. Cube of Darkness iii. Mini Cube of Darkness Optional addition (in CPQ context) i. Elixir + Party Elixir ii. Power Elixir + Party Power Elixir iii. All-Cure Potion + Party All Cure Potion
It would be really cool if we could implement this. I have been farming cards on my attacker and so I'm always on a new map, killing new monsters, and picking up trash. I don't use an item ignore but even ignoring 30 items wouldn't be useful if I'm quickly moving to the next map after getting my 5 cards since I'd have to set it up to ignore whatever new etc/pots/junk equips per move. Imo item ignore is only really useful for leechers and bossers who don't want to unequip pet loot? I guess at some point I should just unequip my pet loot but I want it to pick up snow/stars/potentially useful scrolls for example. Not sure if this is possible but could you item ignore a category? Like item ignore "Equips" category if you're hunting a monster that clearly drops useless equips e.g. hunting low level monsters?
Spoiler: Need another item ignore No, it doesn't. It works up to 10, thought I could have 3 different lists but only the leader pet's list works as the following message says: It loots Slygie Tail still like this, my 2nd pet's list is not working apparently, like the message said, so I need to swap my 2nd pet to boss pet, and as expect, my first pet's list will no longer work, still 10 items, never 30 Need another item ignore equip. And another issue here, the content of that message makes no sense, equips work like that would be pretty wired but sadly it does exactly, only 1 of 3 pet equip gives speed/jump stats. It should be stacked if I scrolled all of them, like the pet HP update's post mentioned, why HP stacks but speed/jump doesn't? This is my 1st pet window: And 2nd here: It shows red, and doesn't give me stats(still 136 speed/120 jump, should be 140/123 if like HP stat stacks) Any explain of these