I suggest a one time per account, rp cash shop sex change coupon, say 20 rp or something like that, to allow fellas to do a sex change once, just once, i think this option should be implemented, for teh lulz I understand that it might be difficult for the game to do this with just a coupon from a coding perspective, but what i suggest is to make this option available with the same system of name changes, so in theory a player that wants to change the character's gender would have to open a thread in the donator section, called: Character gender change, and then gm's would do the changing during a server check, just like name changes are handled, and the player would require having at least 20 rp in the cash shop before the server check happens, so, in all it's a pretty good idea, and i know a lot of people would find it handy, so, basically if you have donator hair and eyes then you put on your character gender change thread the rp hair and rp eye you'd like for your character, if you already have rp hair and eyes, then you get rp hair and eyes of the desired gender you choose, so in the end not only the gender changes, but also the hair and eyes, and as a requirement for the process to occur you must unequip the gender items you currently have equipped, because they would not work after the server check when the gender is changed, and that is a detail to bear in mind
For all those who wanted to play as female for a cute character and then got knocked out by the price tag of equipment for females.
I feel like this will and should be declined, but by chance it gets accepted it would generate plenty of RP purchases for sure (cough make it expensive cough). It's not a bad idea if we were an early stage server, but on here it's just too late for implementation IMO. Only way I could see this being more do-able is if you kept your original sex gear requirements - so say a male warrior wants to get the sex change, they would still wear their male equipment, but the physical/cosmetic female items like NX/hair/face/whatever are able to be used alongside them. It's kind of a mesh between a sex change and the idea of making gear unisex, but I feel this middle ground approach aligns better with the whole RP = cosmetic approach that the server has always maintained too.
+1 Just from technical perspective, it is actually very simple to change gender as the gender data is just stored as 0 or 1 under the character table in their database. There may be problems regarding the M/F gear/face/nx equip etc, but I think it is doable if the player can unequip those items before requesting a gender change to avoid.
Maybe make the coupon expensive, same RP as name change for example and if you had RP face/hair you go back to vanilla but recieve a royal coupon? EDIT: seeing what joong said, my suggestion is actually stupid and it's kinda p2w, nevermind.
It's extremely easy to code and to do. Years ago at FarmerStory/SidneyMS you could instantly do it at an NPC.
Not commenting on the feasibility of it, but locking such an option behind RP leans toward pay-to-win as it saves you the effort of levelling and building a new character of the opposite sex, which non-paying players otherwise have to do.
+1 , or maybe make more gender restricted styles/clothes changeable/equipable by the opposite gender?