Hello, I was wondering if it's possible for you guys to bring back chair gachapon. Also, if possible to make chair gachapon tickets, paying 50mea per use is kind of expensive. By creating chair gachapon tickets accessible via cash shop, it'll allow those who can't afford chair gach and also new players who also struggle to gain mesos in the beginning to be able to do more than just regular gachapon. Oh and also, if possible to make the chair gach npc not just in ludi, but also other places as well. Thanks!
Chair gacha comes every year in the summer time. Last year they also included a quest for you to collect etc item from mobs to exchange for chair gacha ticket, so those who can’t afford it can still play.
That was for only 1 ticket per day at reset, people who have the mesos were able to do it multiple times a day without having to rely on making alternate characters just to do the event multiple times. You put in chair gach tickets in the cash shop, everyone has an equal opportunity to try and win. My main point was to take away the 50m per use option and just make chair gach a permanent thing where you can purchase the chair gach tickets with nx via cash shop.
It has already been said but yes, I think the main reason why Chair Gachapon was implemented was to meso sink. If you reeeeeaaaaaaally want a chair, do the etc quest which will only require a fast travel ticker for 3m.