saw 2 threads here one for maple pyrope weapon and another for zakum helmet for new players unfortuantly they are closed currently. 1. me and a few friend started playing recently and since anniversary are still a bit far away i was wondering if anyone have some spare pyrope weapons laying around stats doesn't matter that much just using it to speed up leveling. namelijk looking for staff wand spear claw and pistol. 2. saw some guy helping new players getting a zakum helm each i was wondering if any other kind soul is doing something similar! IGN : WheresMyHeal
I’m unfortunately unable to help with the ZHelm aspect rn, but what classes are y’all playing, what’s your current level(s), and how many mesos do y’all have (roughly)?
i am like 85 atm priest went from kpq to cpq1 cpq2 now at ppq just leveling . have about 40m mesos on me but wanted to buy some gold tooth with it for zakum 1/30 currently. a friend is playing assassin he started like yesterday so roughly 35 i would say another one is playing warrior and a pirate next to it his warrior is like 35 idk about his pirate no idea about their financial situation. reason i am asking for pyrope is i can farm the other maple weapons for them but these are anniversary only atm also zakum is more for myself
thanks to nosebleed IGN : cashmeoutside / scrolls4you for providing spearman maple weapons including pyrope mage equipments and a bunch of usefull scrolls. (sorry if i recall your name incorrectly) still looking for pyrope wand / staff and additionally 10% 60% and 100% overall luck scrolls (need a bit luck for some equipment don't have zhelm yet) as for zhelm i finished prequest probably going to wait on it till i can run it on my priest and pick up one eventually. unless some kind help me with it