About a year ago. I lent my 137 att ski to Cardin/Kangol before staying away from Royals for a while, only to find that he was permanently banned with my items. I was unaware of this until I have returned. At the time, I was going to ask for forum support regarding return of my items, only to be discouraged after hearing from my guild leader, sparky95, that item will not be returned. However, recently from a in-game friend, I heard a story about a player who was able to get his items back from a banned player. So, I leave this support post in question of whether it is possible for me to get my items back.
My guy, I accidently once NPC'd a +35 INT doros robe and I couldn't get it back. So I'm going to say what staff told me. Absolutely not.
Hello, unfortunately we do not return items in such cases and have never done so in the past. I'm sorry there isn't anything that I can do for you.