Hi everyone, I guess it's time for me to bow out and say my goodbyes. This next semester's going to be hectic – I have a tough robotics competition schedule and a courseload that includes the one physics course that most engineers fail at least once, so Mapling is the last thing I'd like to be doing. I'll try to keep it short and sweet; most people won't do anything more than skim this anyways. I'm not nearly as funny as Tommy, so I'll just be like everyone else and be sappy instead. The last nine months on Royals have been amazing. I've met so many people – some became some of the best friends I've ever met online, and some not so much. Royals is the best kept server I've had the pleasure of wasting my life on in a long time (also the most islander-friendly too), and I don't regret my time spent here at all. I never thought I'd play for more than a month or two, and trust me, I've tried to let go a few times, but somehow this place just kept pulling me back. I guess you'd call it an addiction. To my friends: Without you guys, I'd have quit long ago, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for keeping me company. I've had so many wonderful memories with all of you that it'd be pointless to even attempt to list them. I wish you all the best of luck with everything, and sincerely hope I can continue to keep in touch with you all. Special thanks to my crew in Clarity – you guys are the best. Really. You guys don't know how happy it made me that I got to spend my last day on Royals with you guys, as a guild. To the staff: There's a reason Royals has been so great for so long, and it wasn't because of me (hue). Keep doing what you're doing, and with the addition of @Michael, I'm sure you guys will do even better. Here's to a second anniversary event. Spoiler: yay for screenshot dumps Throwback to a time when @GiddyUp was one of the most popular guys on the server... Too bad @Mandy has been on a total of two times over the last four months... At least she has a guild named after her #haharuns with the nicest bossers (in particular @Huff) you'll ever see. It's rare that you have to force someone to receive 75m. The best of the islander community. They made hitting mushrooms for 9 hours straight enjoyable. The most members of Clarity I've seen in one place in forever. Couldn't have done it with anyone else. <3 And finally... Just chillin' with the two friends I've known the longest on the server. Well, that's it for me. I don't see myself returning soon, if at all, so enjoy the peace and quiet you'll all have in your chatboxes before another annoying shit comes along to take my place. Cabooty out. Courtesy of @herpderp who insisted that I should be female...
Wow. Another one. People quitting left right and center. *sigh* See you Julian I'm gonna miss you! Gonna miss Daxos and Cabooby Good luck in Uni dude! Hit me up on Skype if you wanna chat!
I missed this, so all I can do now is leave you a bye and be sad that we never got to do a drunk Zakum together in the end.
Aw Julian, It was nice having you as a friend on the server and I hope we can stay in touch via skype. c:
Spoiler: Spoiler tags make things way more obvious so people tend to look <3 That was the most painful pokemon battle btw.... you and your OP pokemon beating up my nubbish ones ._.; r00d. I'm really disappointed I missed out on your whole last day of Royals before quitting. ;~; ..you will always be female to me..or..something ..like..that..but sounds less creepy o_0?
Julian~ You're the one who pulled me to the island. I have a ton of screenshots with you and others, and tonight was a lot of fun too. The first time me zaking as full support bishop and not just HS/shield mule. I even forgot that gene was a thing halfway through arms. lol Keep in touch dude, and you better pass your classes. <3 Spoiler: Tonight's crazy zak
Cabooty/Jurian, We've been playing together for 5ever, and I'm so glad to call you one of my closest friends on Royals. It's stupid of us to get emotional, but idgaf. From adventures with Lan, being in Infinity, and finishing off in Clarity, we've been through a lot. Not really sure what else to say, but I'm sure we'll keep in touch, cause I'm going to bug you lots. :3 xoxo Cabangu forever <3 Also, this. (ft. Blazin, Yummi, and Discreetly) #makehappyhappen
JULIAN...my baby D: Good luck with school. Eat well. Sleep well. Don't forget to take little breaks~ <3
Julian D: How will we survive without your (ca)booty? Best of luck to you and stay in touch, man. I don't have you on Skype yet... I should change that. PM it to me pls? <3 Bye Julian :c
I usually don't comment on many farewell threads but someone who uses a Hitchhiker's reference certainly deserves a fond farewell from me. Thank you for all you have contributed to the Royals community
Just like me huh, we shall live in the depths of schooling together, striving for a bright future, setting on proper goals and remembering the great memories, i'll take some time to meet you if I were to go to SFU next year. Although I'll probably get into UBC Be it shall thou shalt set aside everlasting memories for a piece of life with greater importance, to be or not to be.
Julian ): sorry I never made it to any farewell event you might've hosted but it's been a pleasure getting to know you, best of luck in real life! can't ignore the twinge of sadness from not being in that Islander photo, as well as not being able to join Clarity before you are no longer around as a JR T_T
rekt them with ur slivers m8. Didn't get to see you on your last day, but good luck with school and remember to keep me in your dreams.
o julien it is a sad dey that i thot wud never com but it is ok!! we will kip in contac Hope you pass your classes, nerd. c u in da realsies Spoiler: I will share this SS of our first meeting in honour of your quitting. Good times, Julien.