I feel bored to spend 3m everytime I wanna travel somewhere else, especially for bossing. Could we have a kind of permanent teleport rock that we could only buy from RP ? I'll get this item for sure if it gets realeased someday. What do you think ?
How about a special rock that works like a Fast Travel Ticket? Unlimited use but with a short cooldown that comes in with either 3 day, 1 week or 2 week expiry date? Surely it's a step down from "buy once, lifetime benefit forever" style, but I feel like this might be a better solution. As for selling it as RP only... nah.
Well, it wouldn't give any advantage. I mean, it wouldn't make you stronger or stuff, it's just a lifestyle improvement. I get it though, but I'm not that rich and I feel it's a bit expensive for me to do bosses. Inugami, yep, it sounds interesting ! Like a rock that costs maybe 20/25k NX but you can use it as you want with a little cooldown between two uses.
Maybe give us the vip rock that lasts for a week with unlimited usage from gm events, normal events as an exchange reward and possibly as compensation when/if the server encounters issues?It would make a nice reward for people partaking in the seasonal stuff Oh and make it untradeable.
It would be a nice reward for sure, but that means you cannot use it whenever you need it. This could be a start though. I agree you shouldn't be able to trade it to other people, but we should atleast be able to move it within the account.
Teleport rocks are possibly one of the best meso sinks in the game. They offer enough convenience for their price. I believe too much convenience will eventually lead to boredom.
To add on from @sparky95 point, if you start to allow people to purchase perma tele rocks using RP, even it if means having 1 use per day, that’s 3m saved per day which amounts to over 1B saved per year. I do not think that is a good approach to spending real money given that cash shop has only been used for cosmetic purposes.
I see. In some ways, your arguments are right. Tbh, I just log to do my daily bosses and in that way, it would be more convenient than boring. But I get what you guys mean, maybe it could become a game killer. Let's forget this idea then ! Thanks for your messages.
Instead of adding permanent VIP rock, I think adding an alternative to purchase a stack of VIP Teleport Rock at a cheaper rate will be more reality in game. This is because the current feature that we have is allowing players to purchase Fast Travel Ticket for 7 and 14 days at a cheaper rate. According to current feature, VIP Teleport Rock (1) - 3m Fast Travel Ticket (1 Day) - 3m Fast Travel Ticket (7 Day) - 15m Fast Travel Ticket (14 Day) - 28m My suggestion would be adding these two as below: VIP Teleport Rock (7) - 15m VIP Teleport Rock (14) - 28m If the value of 1 VIP Teleport Rock is equal to 1 Day of Fast Travel Ticket, then VIP Teleport Rock should have the same value as the Fast Travel Ticket for 7 and 14 Days. Why not we implement 7 and 14 VIP Teleport Rock too at a cheaper rate.