IGNs: My characters (Lbuprofen, NerfABGs); Team: Laerissa, Revaeria, Evaelynn, MiniWaffle, seoitang, dyostr1, gaibi Problem: HT only dropped Nine Spirit's Egg. Details: I go over the details in the bug report thread: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/horntail-drops-nothing-but-nine-spirits-egg.184015/#post-1075466 In case I need to repeat the details for clarity: Ran quad HT with 5 mules (9chars total) ~20 minutes (1:20 server time) after server came back up, finished at 2: 32 server time (sorry I used ~servertime 5 minutes late because I was baffled by no drops). Only the egg dropped in the middle, the rocks also never disappeared so I can't even prove that the egg is in the middle lmfao. Posting this so no one else runs HT and gets scammed out of gelts/apples/stoppers/pots/dragon elixir. Also hoping for a chance at some sort of compensation. Ideally, we would want the drops to be refunded but if this isn't possible we'd also accept the following; refunding dragon elixir on all chars that went on the run, refunding attack/hp pots used, and a 60/13 dps would be nice)
I can refund you and your party the drops, but I'll need everyone to be online so I can issue the refund. Let me know when you guys are available!