Name/Age: Bloo / 26 IGN/Class/Level: Obfuscate / Night Lord / 200 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? I used to run Horntail with a few members and a good friend Miramo (Andy) - Though I'm not sure he is still active What are your plans for this character? I'm in the process of regearing my characters and would like to get back into daily bossing and other fun stuff. What other characters do you own? 142 Bishop, 154 Fire/poison, 81 Priest, and a lovely crash mule that is level 56 currently. Country/State(US): USA - California Something about yourself: Believe it or not i'm a gamer - I use to play League of Legends at a very high level and our 5s team made it to challenger back when they supported teams in client, we also got bumped out pretty quick but who cares about that. I play other games like PoE (Leagues) and OSRS (Maxed ironman) - i'd be surprised if others here do too. How long have you played MapleRoyals? Off and on many years, I'm sure most can relate. I believe my forum account's join date is pretty accurate with my in game account creation so, a little over 4 years now. Previous guilds, if any? The only serious guilds I was in previously were Guild -> Rogue. Upon my return I didn't recognize many people and figured some stopped playing as well. So I'd like to take the opportunity to find a new guild and meet new people. Why Oblivion? It seems like a fun guild to be apart of and with a good mix of mid and high level players. I've definitely been on both sides of that range and it would be fun to start over and meet new people along the way Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I've played on this server for many years and have a lot of experience. I'm happy to assist users in and out of game and at the very least I can be an echo mule Favorite Anime? I'm a noob in this category but liked Death Note, perhaps its time I give it a shot
Sorry, denied. Good luck finding a guild! Accepted! Hi Bloo, you can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) - I also PM'd you our guild discord link so you can ping one of us there!
Name/Age: Junsoo/22 IGN/Class/Level: Nectarines/Buccaneer/172 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Gab @MaCheri/Clyde/Clint What are your plans for this character? I'd love to get stronger, go on plenty of boss runs, and hit level 200 at a reasonable pace. What other characters do you own? Yvna(I/L petri machine), xiya(CR/stance), Holybean(Petris HS) Country/State(US): United States/VA Something about yourself: I do digital art and I like to make pasta sauce How long have you played MapleRoyals? 3 years. Just recently joined forums! It's a whole world outside the game~ Previous guilds, if any? Cozy/Station/Sunny/Cloudy Why Oblivion? I've never been part of a guild that regularly does things together! I think it will be a fulfilling experience. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I'm the perfect balance of a serious and for fun player. Favorite Anime? Shinsekai no Yori (from the new world) and Hinamatsuri(this one was hilarious)
Name/Age: twk/28 IGN/Class/Level: BestNLs/178 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Not really What are your plans for this character? Join boss run n fund my eq. Still most active on this char. What other characters do you own? 195Hero, 16x BS, 15x Mage, SE/SI/CR Mule Country/State(US): Malaysia Something about yourself: Just a normal citizen who finish work daily and play maple till late night How long have you played MapleRoyals? Middle of 2017 Previous guilds, if any? Allien, Devotion Why Oblivion? Oblivion must have alot pro doing daily boss run and active for many years Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I'm active on 1200~1630(servertime) daily, and I am a crazy player who done quest specialist on Hero/NL and Legendary Collector on Hero. Favourite Anime? I don't watch anime
Name/Age: Henrique/23 IGN/Class/Level: Ninko/198/Night Lord Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Yeah, I'm a friend of FrameofMind (Akira) and MaCheri (Gab) What are your plans for this character? Get to 200 and start my Shadower and BM again What other characters do you own? My Bishop Comediante and mules Country: Brazil Something about yourself: I have always liked maplestory online games. I was one of the first to start playing, after a while I got to know MapleRoyals and started my journey here. Outside Mapleroyals I like watching series, anime, playing other games online, studying, gym and listening to music. How long have you played MapleRoyals? Since 2016 Previous guilds, if any? Acme, Heroes In which Gab my friend was, Trevo. Why Oblivion? My friend Akira recommended and I always see the guild people. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? For playing for a while I have a knowledge to share in the same way, receiving what I don't know. Besides helping people with what they need something that I like to be doing, and helping with the races with my mules Favorite Anime? Naruto, currently watching Boruto and Claymore that a friend recommended me.
All accepted! Hi Junsoo, Twk & Henrique you can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) - I also PM'd all of you our guild discord link so you can ping one of us there!
Name/Age: Teo/25 IGN/Class/Level: HeroOzys/Hero/192 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Yes What are your plans for this character? Plans? Try to reach 200lv and ride a draco. What other characters do you own? Nl, bm, bs.. Country/State(US): Lithuania. Something about yourself: I am a car and motorcycle guy. In the summer i spend my time with my beauty yamaha FZ1 and when its cold iam lazy af and doing nothing. Sarcasm is my second language. How long have you played MapleRoyals? Previous guilds, if any? Almost 5 years. Tempest, Dumb, Fendi. Why Oblivion? It seems I am becoming anti-social, because of Covid and my last guild is not very talkative and not very alive. I know Oblivion guild is opposite from that. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? Because I am various player. One month I can go boss all the time, the other i can grind for cards or do quests. On the way to 2nd Legendary medal, 3 chars with quest specialist. (bragged ). Favorite anime? Not watching anime. :O
Name/Age: Ken/24 IGN/Class/Level: xAlrightyx/Shad/157 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Yes, Alex the brawlin What are your plans for this character? 200 first and then get ready for PB soonTM What other characters do you own? xNightyx and xMightyx Country/State(US): live in Canada Something about yourself: Coco is my favorite brand of boba tea How long have you played MapleRoyals? ~ 2 years Previous guilds, if any? Degen (still in!) Why Oblivion? I want to meet more people in royals and my friend Alex recommended me to join Oblivion! Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I am very active in both bossing and chatting! hene and learning is my 2nd home :3 Favorite anime? 1 punch man
Name/Age: Kai, 24 IGN/Class/Level: 9trykai, Shadower, 175 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? No What are your plans for this character? Legendary Collector, 15k HP, Level 200 What other characters do you own? 9trywow, Bishop, 140; 9tryoof, Spearman, 30 Country/State(US): US, NJ unfortunately Something about yourself: Vegetarianism, mixed martial arts, triathlon How long have you played MapleRoyals? A year Previous guilds, if any? Criminals, Ohms, Playboys Why Oblivion? The emblem/name is mighty darn aesthetic; Oblivion's reputation precedes itself Why do you think that you're qualified to join? An active voice and an extra pair of ears where it matters Favorite Anime? Cory in the House
Name/Age: Thomas/27 IGN/Class/Level: BaconLord87/NL/164 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Not directly that I know of, but I feel like some people may know me! I've been around for a while. What are your plans for this character? Reach level 200. Legendary Collector. Reach 16-18k HP. What other characters do you own? BaconLord47, BaconLord45, BaconLord69, etc..... (the theme continues :] ) Country/State(US): US/CA Something about yourself: I play quite a few instruments. I took piano lessons as a kid and decided to keep going. To date I can proficiently play 9 instruments. How long have you played MapleRoyals? About 5 years. Previous guilds, if any? Shark (currently), Hogwarts, Arcady, few others over the years. Why Oblivion? I have always wanted to join Oblivion. My focus with Royals has been bossing/community, but have never seen the application process open. Hoping this is my shot to join Oblivion! Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I am very active (on daily (besides this week since I'm out of town)), regularly boss, and love getting to know new people! Favorite Anime? I don't watch too much anime, but my favorites are: Attack on Titan, Death Note, Your Name (the artwork is amazing!).
Name/Age: Yang/24 IGN/Class/Level: RareLuda/BS/157 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? LordZYJ/Guden What are your plans for this character? Running daily boss on this char. Especially HT and Zak. Wanna be a pro HT bs. Have Joined sometime HT with 3.6k HP =) plan to wash this char to 5k . Also aiming for 200 as my 2nd char What other characters do you own? 200Drk, 141NL, SE/CR Mule Country/State(US): Live in Netherland Something about yourself: Boring Student who almost spend the whole day in Mapleroyal, Really want to have a active buddylist and Guild when i log in How long have you played MapleRoyals? 2020 Jan Previous guilds, if any? LethalTempo Why Oblivion? I want to join many daily boss run and learn how to be a pro bs for HT. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? Since reached 200 on Drk, I spend all the time on this char aim to be a pro bs so will be active on this char =) and wish to have a good jounery in Oblivion Favorite Anime? Fate Stay Night, One piece, Kuroko's Basketball, Re:Zero
Name/Age: Alim / 21 IGN/Class/Level: Aiim / NL / 135 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Amit, Noa, Tommy, Clint, Clyde, Sharon... probably some others I'm not thinking of off the top of my head What are your plans for this character? Hit lvl 200, 30k hp, and start working on untradeable gears What other characters do you own? 200 Drk, 13x bish, 13x F/P, 11x Shad, 11x Sair, SE/SI/Cr/HS mules, several others <lvl 70 Country: Canada Something about yourself: I love basketball/ big NBA fan How long have you played MapleRoyals? Since Summer 2017 Previous guilds, if any? In Degeneracy and Shark as Jr, and been in Cozy for a while too ~ still in all these guilds Why Oblivion? I have many friends in there and it has a good reputation. Looking to meet some more chill people and expand the bossing circle as well. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I'm very active, have a lot of long term in game goals, and I'm pretty laid back and easy to get along with Favorite Anime?: Dragonball
Sorry for the late response on this one. Sorry, denied. Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post)
Name/Age: Joon / 26 IGN/Class/Level: Skumbag / Shadower / 156 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Clyde, Clint, Hin, Noa, Sharu, and a couple others What are your plans for this character? Min/maxing this character to get perf scrolled untradeables and get it to 200! Currently relooting zhelms/scarga/krex/htp on a daily basis What other characters do you own? mintjelly 194 nl, bishop, f/p mage, cr mule Country/State(US): USA / Virginia (EST) Something about yourself: I love eating new food and traveling for it. I'm currently waiting for covid to end so I can start traveling again How long have you played MapleRoyals? Since August 2020 Previous guilds, if any? Fendi (NL is currently still in the guild) Why Oblivion? A lot of my friends I met on royals are in Oblivion, so naturally I gravitated towards the guild. I would also love to meet the others in this guild since we have a lot of mutual friends already! Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I'm an active player that bosses, APQs, and farms daily. My long term game goals for this account will keep me active for a long time! Favorite Anime? Recently started watching anime due to covid. So far my favorites have been Hunter x Hunter and Demon Slayer! Currently looking for more recommendations
Name/Age: Morten / 26 IGN/Class/Level: x3M0TiON -> Bishop -> 126 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? No not a the moment. What are your plans for this character? Plans for the Bish is to lvl higher and be able to boss. And be guild active on it What other characters do you own? I have just started i Spearman (w0lle) (lvl 54) i want to lvl on the side, cuz of the corona. and im home alot at the moment. Country/State(US): Denmark Something about yourself: Im 26 and im a sports freak I love gaming and sports in my sparetime! Go Lakers! HA!A MADRID! How long have you played MapleRoyals? I think i joined the server back in 2017-2018, but had a looong break from the game, and i started agian for real last year. Previous guilds, if any? Mythic . Was a really friendly guild Why Oblivion? I have tried smaller guilds in the past, but im looking for a really active guild, and a guild who also do stuff together. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? Im gonna go in 110% and be a great guild member and i good friend ! Hope to hear from you guys! Happy Mapling! Kind regards: Morten
Name/Age: Jamie/29 IGN/Class/Level: Bailerina/NL/175 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? I used to be familiar with a couple of people that were in Divinity with me - Rod & Ryan? What are your plans for this character? There's been a lot of content added since I last became inactive and I'd like to start playing again because it looks super cool! I'm also planning on getting to 200 on this character What other characters do you own? I have quite a few other characters - the main ones being Ballerina (BM, 200) and RainbowRush (BS,174) Country/State(US): Singapore Something about yourself: Mapleroyals is pretty much the only game I've played in the last 10 years or so - and most of my time/money is spent on my Shiba puppy (who's a covid dog) and my fitness regime (F45) ! How long have you played MapleRoyals? On and off since 2015 Previous guilds, if any? Arcady, Divinity (Still in, on my BM) Why Oblivion? I've always liked the idea of Guilds with a lot of history and longevity - with the focus on the community aspect of this game. Over the years a few of my friends have been in Oblivion and I've heard only great things! Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I think I'm a pretty friendly and laid back person who's always open to new things - having lived all over the world all my life I especially love meeting people that aren't from my neck of the woods! I think I'm also a fairly experienced player who is willing and able to contribute to the guild! Favorite Anime? Sorry to disappoint but I'm pretty basic - I'll have to say Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) - I love the artwork, voice talent, and the soundtrack!
Actually I made a mistake before and if you're still looking for a guild I'd gladly add you to ours! Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) Sorry, I have to deny your application! Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post)
Name/Age: Claire/25 IGN/Class/Level: 13abyClaire/hero/137 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Not yet :3May I have an honor?❤️ What are your plans for this character? Legendary Collector, 30kHP(alr wash to 23k), Level 200, Already got some decent gears but wanna crafting stronger items!✅ What other characters do you own?Nccux, bishop,170(can join bossing too❤️With mw20), Veronicaz,FP,140. And se mule~~ Country/State(US): Taiwan Something about yourself: broad-minded, easy going, dependable person. Also I am a lawyer irl(lol). I really love mapleroyals spend about 6-8hours on it everyday!(although need to work. ) Also I feed a cute cat named Gucci. How long have you played MapleRoyals? About 4years already and play Maplestory over 9years hahaha❤️ Previous guilds, if any? Legendary,Shootingstar,Shark. Why Oblivion? Because I join bossing with people came from Oblivion many times, I really eager to join bossing with Oblivion together and become stronger together❤️! Still, I really like the guild’s name and guild image! Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I am really active and love Mapleroyals! Although my level just hit 137, however I will keep bossing and enjoy growing with guild people! My target is hit at least 190 in 2021! Also because I played already a long period, I can share and help people some problems maybe(I will try my best!) Favorite Anime? Attack on Titans❤️REALLLY LIKE IT HAHA!
Name/Age: Peter / 26 IGN/Class/Level: RNastermind / Shadower / 165 Are you familiar with anyone in the guild? Joon (Skumbag), who recently joined. What are your plans for this character? Daily boss runs with friends to reach level 200! I consider this character my new main attacker and hope to work towards a perfectly scrolled dagger and better shield. What other characters do you own? 19x Dark Knight, 18x Bowmaster, 17x Bishop, 13x Paladin (CR Mule), 5x Fighter (CPQ Leecher). Country/State(US): USA / Virginia (EST) Something about yourself: I enjoy recording and producing my own music. Also, fun random fact: I own a Blaze Wizard Cygnus Knight in GMS Bera with the name ObIivion. How long have you played MapleRoyals? Early 2020. Previous guilds, if any? Charm, Shark, Snack. Why Oblivion? I've played MapleStory pretty much since I was ~10 years old and always took it seriously. It's crazy to think that I'm still around playing but it makes me think that this guild values the nostalgia of the game and creating memories/friendships on it as much as I do. A lot of my friends recently quit so I don't have as much community as I'd like in the game anymore. I know Oblivion has a good community of players that I feel like I'd enjoy getting to know and playing with! I also feel like there's a lot to learn from players that have been around since the early inception of Royals. Why do you think that you're qualified to join? I consider myself a very active player who bosses daily and contributes by helping new players/joining in on group activities for the sake of playing together and having fun. I'm experienced in leading and organizing boss runs as well (excluding Neo Tokyo) and wouldn't mind taking up some responsibilities in the guild to build better participation amongst newbies or veterans alike. Favorite Anime? Most of my favorite animes are what I caught watching on Toonami as a kid -- Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu Gi Oh, Naruto, and Death Note. I've heard so much about Attack on Titan so I will most likely check that out next!
Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post) Accepted! You can PM one of our guild leaders to be added! (Listed in the first post)