Hello! I would like to advocate for the possibility of adding the following cash shop items to NPC Albert's list of purchasable items for mesos! Safety Charm (700 nx) = 2.1m Chalkboard - 1 day (1,000 nx) = 3m Chalkboard - 7 day (6,000 nx) = 18m Everstone 1 (5,000 nx) = 15m Everstone 2 (12,500 nx) = 37.5m Everstone 3 (30,000 nx) = 90m The following already exist, but listing below for ratio/reference: (1k nx: 3m) Spoiler: etc Fast Pass - 1 day (1,000 nx) = 3m Fast Pass - 7 days (5,000 nx) = 15m Fast Pass - 14 days (9,300 nx) = 28m Reg TP rock (500 nx) = 1.5m VIP TP rock (1,000 nx) = 3m Owl (1,000 nx) = 3m
Short and brief, can we make the exp (I believe evolution stones) tradeable or cost more for a permanent feature, or longer lasting effects? Most of the mules I use them for are unable to boss or utilize in game NX reservoirs so I have to wait to vote on each individual character. I understand dying for the exp loss is an option, however the exp gains in such enviroments like CPQ or when HS leeching make it impractical. I would love like a 10x cost for a permanent stone I can just put on my character and just be done with it. Thanks. EDIT: For context of why I'm requesting this change I need the following on a monthly basis: CPQ 1 Attacker CPQ 1 Attacker CPQ 2 Attacker CPQ 2 attacker HS Mule This doesn't include the mages that I might level lock specifically for leech purposes, although I'm still blurry as I'll have to figure out the most optimal leech level based on my funding. Considering there are 3 prime leech spots (Skele/Petri/Ulu 1/2) this could also result in me having up to 6 characters requiring these stones. Point is right now I need about 5 depending on if I even utilize those characters that month, but in the future may have 11 characters who can utilize this no EXP item. EDIT: I also believe the price for perma should be at minimum 5x more than what it is currently. I'd be content if it was made tradeable though, just so I could utilize the NX I've already accumulated.
The stones expiring is a pretty big jebait, it's always pretty meme and a bit tragic when someone doesn't notice and levels their cpq mule or something to 51.
But it costs nx right? I wouldn't think that the nx spent on the stones (particularily the lower lvl ones, everstone 1 is 5k / month) is significant with respect to apr / gacha, though only staff knows this for sure of course.
Since these items are primarily for leech sellers/farmers I think it could be appropriate to add them to Albert so they can be purchased with mesos. A 1:5 rate seems appropriate. Everstone I: 5,000 NX or 25m meso Everstone II: 12,500 NX or 62.5m meso Everstone III: 30,000 NX or 150m meso
I don't mind this, although meso sinks always turn me off because for most people it's hard to accumulate Meso in comparison to NX as a casual player. I guess casual players wouldn't really utilize this item, but I strongly feel that I should be able to access my personal NX pool, rather than annoyingly distribute it to the mules who need it.
Everstones seem accident prone with voting on multiple accounts - I think a change to make them tradeable would be beneficial. I also like the idea of them being a new (but rather small) meso sink as @Myoni mentioned
This should be free haha. If you don't want a character to get EXP that should be free, just in WoW. But yeah, making this a permanent feature for more money would be amazing. I have to spend 10 minutes suiciding every 2 leech hours because I don't want to lvl up.
The biggest issue with everstones is: They are untradeable The time limit of 30 days creates an unnecessary window of forced usage Cost requires concentrated effort when you purchase these items. Suggestions to alleviate these problems: Put them in the FM shop like owls so that players can purchase via mesos, making them tradeable in an indirect way(Meso sink for leechers) Allow purchase for a variety of time limits, such as 1 day, 7 days, 30 days; this allows the user to healthily plan out their leech usage. Create a permanent version Why it's hassle: Everstones require multiple days of voting for the later ones that are more prominently used, Items aren't tradeable so you have to use an extremely limited resource throughout your multiple accounts Time window makes it so you have to constantly plan for and around the expiration, really annoying. Tldr; Adjust time limits, make perma option, or make them meso accessible. I have 24 accounts, so this is a major pain for me.
I think expanding Albert's stock of items is the right idea. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/expand-item-list-npc-albert-item-seller.181495/ Moderator note: Threads have been merged!