Spoiler: Before stance Spoiler: After Stance buff Why are these beef cake warriors able to withstand the punch of a thousand zakum fists without as much of a flinch, but some teeny tiny pillar falls on us, (again no flinching) still manages to stun us? A lot of people whine about stance not being 100%, which leads to easier botting, but man, a warrior should not be stunned by tiny boulders. Spoiler: Boulder in question Spoiler: results from stance Blind with our low accuracy? Maybe, Stunned? You ever see toff stunned in a fight, no, so tomato tamata, we should not be either. tldr; It just makes sense if a move fails to knock us back, it should also not stun us. Thought I'd make it a little more fun. Sign this petition by commenting below because I forgot to make a poll.
This actually sounds like a great idea and could somewhat compensate for the 90% success rate (which feels like 70% for some reason)
Just avoid the pillar? The serotonin of tanking a body hit to avoid a stun and then showing off your op pyrope bae damage while the rest of your party is stunned is unmatched. Game already ezpz why make it even more brain dead
4th job Hero/Paladin's Guardian and Thief's Shadow Shifter skills are already supposed to be doing that, but they are currently bugged. I do not see how the staff would be able to add the ignore stun feature as you are proposing in your post if they haven't yet fixed it for the aforementioned skills.
No, depsite its quite anoying to be stun, avoid those things is one of the few things that makes zak not braindead, the only thing i want "new" from stance is to know, if theres any boss skills that make it less than 90%( i swear , it knockbacks at least 3 for 5 HT stomp) because if its not , after 3 years i find REALLY ODD that its qite common to being knockbacked 2-3 times in a row , but ive never heard of a zak/HT run where any warrior says(i just fell 5-10 times, or even not at all) i know rng is rng, but at 90% rate, whats the % of being knockbacked 4-5 times a row, and how much is the % of not being knockbacked at all or less than 4 times in a 12 min run?
Is the only way to avoid it to get hit by sth else? I try to actively dodge those falling pillars but I almost 100% can’t on my BM so Relmy am I just a newbie or how can I do it
a bit of topic here since this is related to warrior skill stance , and for most of us the most reliable thing is, yes, get hit by body or, by a mob....but for other jobs(except nl who dont even care since they probably gonna miss it with shifter) just remeeber that those pilars give a warning, and after those fell cover an area a little bit bigger than the side of the pilar(like the dust effect) so if you cant manage to move enough to avoid them. you can try to be near the rope, and climb quickly to avoid it....
I don't think this will be a good idea since there bishops already have Holy Shield which prevents stuns. Also if you have trouble avoiding zakum's pilars you can watch this video of Haastings: Spoiler: Video Around the 0:40 mark he shows where to stand so you can tank the body for 1 hit and get iframes to avoid the pilar altogether. How is guardian bugged? Iirc (I don't really zak much as a paladin) guardian can "guard" against the pilar and consequently ignore the stun effect. Again, maybe I havent really noticed since I don't really zak much, but more feedback on this would be nice.
I think most players know how to avoid the stun ever since post big bang when the meta for warriors was literally to just stand on top of body, actually might be able to get away with that with the achilles buff, haven't tried lol, major pot burn at least. Conceptually a successful stance proc should avoid stun, or ignore it. Whether that makes zakum more braindead, or strips an opportunity for an elite gamer moment, really irrelevant to the idea conceptionally. @Inusama What makes stun any less braindead? I can still pot, I can still hold my control key, like, if I'm able to tank a knockback of an attack why should I suffer with stun? It conceptually doesn't make sense. More importantly, if Gohan doesn't have to dodge, why should I? I'll just tank the body like a true gamer pro. Elegance is crap. @Relmy This change would affect more than zakum but I'll repeat, it really doesn't make it any less braindead, more inefficient yeah, but the concept doesn't make sense. You still can play your dodge pillar zakum experience, why spend more pots than you should? Just comes across as elitist gate keeping tbh when you talk about an arbitrary concept like "in game difficulty", @Fergerar So because bishops already have a skill that is really a bonus to their already stacked kit (Ie HS/RES, the more important skills), we should ignore the absurdity that I get stunned by attack that doesn't knock me back? Like people don't ask bishops to go run with them with a stunless buff. @patnais77 Never heard of this/known about it but if that's the case, still irrelevant, just means when/if they decided to fix it we're on the list. Lastly, let's remember its per proc, not a passive, so realistically 1/10 times I'm hit by pillar I won't be stunned, since stance has a 10% proc rate. @Dave Deviluke if you could put "Yes, smash the boulder" Or "No, dodge" that be great >
Guardian procs and no damage is taken, but status will still affect you. I'm guessing this is either and unknown bug because guardian is a very low key skill, or they are leaving it because they think it's op to have 20% chance to avoid status and damage, but I say it's worth it if you go 1h and invest in guardian. If they don't want to fix it then they should make 2hbw (as well as polearms) viable
iFrame-ing stuns from getting damaged by another source itself imo is a interesting mechanic for a warrior to maximise while making the class not as brain dead, i don’t think this is a good idea.
I think more bosses should have stun debuffs to make the game more challenging, instead of lowering the current difficulty.
Ah yes, stun, the true run ender in every boss/miniboss, especially when it stops you from auto potting, truly such a change would affect how people would play. Clearly I'm struggling with maplestory's gameplay and merely want this change so I can join the next e-sports raid team. I'm laughing. EDIT: This criticism that such a change would make the game easier or that warriors be rewarded for iframe scenarios should be denied a QoL buff for something that is already inconsistent is just so bizarre to me. You're free to play the game how you want, whether that be you not using any of the pet items or doing the ironman challenge, but having a stunblock on 3 jobs in the game that only functions 90% of the time is a far cry from going from current meta to sudden braindead. It's literally a pace debuff to burn out the timer. I feel if there were any sincerity in the objection of this change, we'd be talking about how stun, and other boss debuffs should block pet auto pot, or that stance should actually work less because well, it's just too easy.
I sat in zakum for 2 hours with my hero for a solo the other day. The only time I got stunned from the pillars was when there were no gaps to stand in. This is my own personal opinion as a player, but just don't wait to let go of your attack button down when the pillars are already falling and maybe you'll have enough time to move out of the way. Watch zakum's animations on the body and you'll know that the stun is coming in a second.