Please use the following format when posting in Character Issues: IGN: Alanore Problem: Items went missing Details: on 9/2/21, upon logging in to my hero, I realize my character was shifted to a spot that I will not go and some items (FS/BFC/ST/Mesos/Scrolls) are gone. my last login believe to be a week before or 2 weeks before. I had never share my password or account with anyone else. Please help to assist. MY 4 years of effort.
Staff are unable to refund/compensate items lost due to being hacked Can only recommend you to set strong password, PIC and PIN via Control Panel - Please also avoid using the same login info on other private servers
Hi @Dave Deviluke can the gamemaster revert or trackback if I was hacked by hacker and ban them? Even if items cannot be refund or compensate or reverted (Rollback my character) Please, I had spend 4 years in the server and save every single penny just to hit level 200.. while enjoying this game.
@GermanKiddo Thanks for the empathy, @Dave Deviluke and other GM who is reading.. Even if the item could not be refunded or compensate or revert back. Please at least backtrack and ban those hackers. I will really appreciate that
Thank you @Dave Deviluke I would like to add on for better references Items that were missing w stats: ST WA 146 BFC WA 11 FS WA 8 Meso lost = ? Unknown amount CS / WS = ? Forget how many I had I last login believe to be last week, i ran with my friend doing Shao with my Bishop.
@siaosiaolor could you share with us if you use the same login for any private servers ? i am interested to know if the hacker is just randomly brute forcing the login ids and pw or they had your credentials.
@kyoko3102 I couldn't recall as I have too many things on my plate. I do use same credential but different pin though
Have set it as Open, as per request Unable to guarantee any refunds though If there are any refunds to be made, the information would come from an Admin
Hello, please continue to remain patient as Admins are still actively investigating recovery options and will update players as soon as they can. Thank you!
As the Admins have restored the accounts that were accessed by the malicious users back to a state before the malicious users logged in on them to restore your mesos and items, please login to your account to check if the items are restored successfully. Edit to include quote by Admins: We have changed your password for your own protection. We wont provide this password to you. In order to play again you need to: - Go to and choose the 'FORGOT PASSWORD?' feature to reset your password by email (keep in mind the control panel is case sensitive). Do not set your password back to what it was before. - Log in on the control panel with the new password you registered and reset your PIN (email verification is required for this step which is also done in the control panel). - You should now be able to log in on the game client and set up your new PIN to then start playing again! If account was not restored, please post details of the items you have lost so far and I will forward them to the Admins for confirmation
Hi, @Dave Deviluke @Tim. Thank you for the effort and times for the restore. However, the restoration did not restore back to my original state. I still lost my items, mesos, scrolls ST WA 146 BFC WA 11 FS WA 8 Meso lost = ? Unknown amount CS / WS = ? Forget how many I had
I believe my items are still in my account as of 5th Feb 2021 12.04 AM (GMT+8) which is server time 4PM + I believe. as that was the 2nd last time I login before the last time logging in on 9th Feb 2021, realising my items were gone. Attach of a conversation between my friend and date + timestamp on Whatsapp that we were doing Shao that day. https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/xJ6xZDr/Capture.png
Will forward to the Admins that the items were still intact around 5th Feb, and requires confirmation