Hi all, As we all know, white scroll fragments (wsf in short) are introduced in update 70. Since wsf A drops from both Vergamot and Nameless Magic Monster, I'm more interested to the statistics of wsf B (from Nibergen) and wsf C (from Dunas V2). I'll start with my own experience: Numbers of WS crafted: 5 Which means I got 9A 5B 8C so far. It's killing me cause it is still super paniful doing Nibergen althought nerfed. Flex Share your collection and thoughts!
Here's my spreadsheet on drops from when I started doing the bosses daily on the 11th of Feb. I failed one dunas run where my shard looter died . I'm bad with stats to know how many samples are needed to have a high confidence of drop rate for any given rate, but I feel like 25% and 50% are high enough to be kinda confident in those rates
Hi guys, are white scroll fragments shared drops or individual drops? (i.e. can everyone in the party loot one each?) Do you guys solo the boss to get the fragments then? Thanks.
A: 1/2 from Vergamot and 0/1 from Magic Monster B: 1/1 from Nibergen C: 1/8 from Dunas I feel it's worth to run if you can solo, or duo with a partner and take turn. But I choose to quit this because I'm unlucky on Dunas v2 always
its amazing u never have a bad day (except that one fail run) , its normal for me and my partner will go 0 on all 3 boss a day
Drop rate from mine test (was doing a lot for silver coins and omega(super rare.. might 1~3%) C≥ B> A I think buz A drop from 2 boss, rate fewer
Seems like that's just me but so far I crafted 6 WS, and I always had to wait for C to drop while the others piled up I guess that's just my luck...
For me, I’ve missed maybe 5 days of solos since the fragment patch. Total I’ve gotten 10 A fragments and 5 of each B and C. Very very even for me I guess @Doo Ive gotten like 3-4 Omegas, so I guess I’ve been kinda lucky there?
I am on 0-4 or something or so for the fragment c and it’s very painful to continue doing dunas 2 f4 f4
In the past month, I missed a few days - so probably 25 runs of Verg, Nib, and Dunas V2 (did NMM 8 times), I got 9 A, 4 B, and 8 C. Like 1/3 drop rate? (expect for Nibergen piece of metal flying garbage)
Got a Piece B after another 10 days. I've gotten 5 in 50 days of tracking. 1/10 chance so boootyyyyy Edit: another Piece B back2back. Time gate open Edit2: b2b2b. 3 in a row Piece B :O Edit3: 5 piece B in a row...
Had to craft most of these bad boys earlier today to have enough to top up for a trade RIP stacks of ws piece dream