Hey i'm wondering if mapleroyals have ever thought about making a 3rd job only server for the future? I have looked around alot for a server with 3rd job only that has good population, but almost all of them seem dead. I think there are many other people that would like to join a 3rd job server made by mapleroyals since you guys got the so many people playing on ur server, and i think it will also be very good for mapleroyals aswell.
Yeah I know that, but it kinda ruins the feel when u know that you can advance to 4th job. And i would like to play and see how the mid game bossing is with only 3rd job, so thats why it would be more fun with a server with only that, and i feel like mapleroyals could make a really good one and also get alot of people to play on it
Rip corsairs in that server Edit: you are free to use your 3rd job skills only at bosses if that's your thing
Doubt it's possible, since additional cost to host this 3rd job server would be required Additional game balancing is also needed for the 3rd job only server in terms of content Have seen a few 3rd job only servers on Gtop100 but they didn't work out well, hence I am unable to see Royals going this path
Yah, I feel you. The moment I reached lvl 120, GM suddenly appeared at my doorstep, with a gun, forced me to do 4th job advancement ASAP. I had to job advance. I mean, what choice did I have, it’s scary af ok?
Okay I can come with some reasons on why I know that 3rd server would be successful. 1. Everytime i see a fresh new old school server, it's always on top on maplestory category on twitch. 2. The hype is everywhere before a fresh server has even launched, so think of the hype royals can make with their huge player base, and the amount of people streaming it on twitch. 3. I'm not 100% about this but i'm pretty sure royals would make good money on it. It would be the first ever 3rd job only server that would have a good and stabil population, that i'm 100% sure on. So I hope that royals would take this chance to make a fresh server for us that like a little older version of the game
I've been around. Most servers seem dead, believe me. I think third job servers specifically are dead because it's basically the same thing as royals and other oldschool servers, but less fun
3rd job only is kinda too difficult and a bit boring due to lack of content, when you get to 120+ you don't really have any new things and just farm the same maps forever That's why none of the 3rd job servers were able to compete with the big servers like royals and only had like 200 online at max, it's just a niche type of server that only appeals to a small group
a fresh server run by royals wouldn’t have the same population. the biggest success of royals is being up for 7+ years now