This guide only aim to provide a suggestion to pick your job wisely so you can reach end game, engage in boss party game play as soon as possible. I do highly recommend you to choose a job that you really want to play or otherwise, you will feel burn out really quick - The most time efficient job is : Gambler: they are people who already have a high lvl character or just train their mage to lvl 50, then log in every 4 days, once a month or once every 4 months,... to spend nx on gacha, if they get lucky, they use that meso to buy leech, hp washing, chaos scroll and upgrade gears. They have a lot of time shitpost on forum asking for random nerf "muh game too easy nerf plz". - If you don't intend to "play" like that and want a proper gameplay, with efficient, then Bishop is a must. Either earn a lot of money by sell leech or level up your other character faster. Keep your Bishop at lvl 123 with Maple Warrior lvl 9 to sell low level leech or self leecch until you have a decent fund, as low level leeches are the most demanded. Alternative is Fire/Poison Mage with HS mule, you can sell Ulu1/2 leech at lower level and require less fund to sell end game leech. - After you earn a decent funding and want to make a bossing job, but don't know which one? Then Bow Master is your answer. They offer everything a boss party need: above average dps, most powerful damage buff in game. They are most sought after in bossing party, even when people already have SE mule, an active Bow Master are still welcome as an insurance incase the mule D/ced. I highly recommend to focus on HP wash to 20k+ rather than spending on godly gears for this jobs as when you feel bored of it, you can still use it as SE mule. - The last efficient job is NL, focus on this job the most for the best bossing experience, you will feel rewarded with every 1 watt you increase on your gears. Everything in this server are made for NL, most winner in GM host events are NL, if someone smega R> attacker, NL have the best chance to join. They are expensive but have a lot of room to grow. I consider skip bow masster and focus on this job if you have 80-100b fund. Because even without SE mule, a high range NL are always sough after in party. - All other jobs are optional.
Soooo.... basically a guide made by a NL fan lmao xD Both Hero and DrK have roles they can play within bosses and are highly sought after as well especially for Zakum. Your guide does not include anything for new players at all...... Your guide does not take into effect whether someone can fund HP Washing or not..... Your guide is very minimalistic with no valuable information on it to help people decide on a class.... Your guide does not include a Marksman which can do basically the same thing as a Bow Master but with slightly less damage but a different playstyle... Your guide does provide any insight as to why you chose these 3/4 very specific classes besides "dps is good" or "you need money".... Your guide does not even answer why a NL is high dps besides that you have 80-100b to fund it (which most classes will do very good dps with that kind of funding honestly).... Why did you post this?