I wanted to be sure to thank the Staff for listening to community feedback and reverting the avoidability nerf, as well as taking ownership of the negative/unintended effects it had on the game. From reading Joong's post with update #71.1, I'm sure I'm not the only one who is appreciative of Staff working to being more transparent with their intentions with changes to the game, and also being more openly communicative with the community. From the community's side, I know it's impossible to see the pressure and priorities that Staff might have, with differing opinions coming from all directions - but thank you for taking a step in the right direction with admitting a change didn't achieve its intended goals and reverting it promptly. I encourage the Staff to continue to be critical with game design choices and vigilant when it comes to listening to what the community has to say and offer. I look forward to see what this server can continue to grow into and how communication between staff and the community can continue to improve.
Glad this thread was made, appreciation goes a long way and even if their changes seem ludicrous to us it is at least their intent to be in our better interest for the longevity in the game.
Reverting the effect on avoidability from LUK , but shadowshifter also revert back to nerfed version GG .
This is definitely a step in the right direction and I think many players including myself were surprised by the fact that you actually reverted (most of) the changes, so really good job there! There are still many things to work on and many flaws, but if you start doing things this way theres nothing we can't solve
Open disclosure is always a welcoming change - thank you to everyone who have been hard at work in recent days to facilitate update 71.1 and communicating this to us. In terms of going forward I think the following points are worth considering: - the rationale for the initial nerf was identified based on a perceived need to balance the thief class, on the observation that the majority of non-mage characters are night lords. Perhaps it would be worthwhile for staff to release this data (provided it is not confidential for other reasons) and gauge what the community thinks about 1) whether thieves need to be balanced (vs. other classes) and 2) how to go about this if the answer was yes - I think the in-game feedback session was a positive change to transparency and whilst I wasn’t online during this time I think regular sessions (ideally with reports of such data available to players) may be a useful way to gauge what the community wants when it comes to balancing changes, QoL updates etc. Especially when we have had multiple reports of in-game and discord feedback not being in line with forum users The events in recent days/months have highlighted a need for a team of dedicated game testers - whether it be a specific subgroup from current staff or outsourcing from the community - could this be brought forward on the agenda?
Your first point is very valid. I'm sure if the nerf would have been prefaced with data showing the large disparity between characters playing NLs versus other classes it might have been less of a shock. I don't recall the exact numbers but it is a pretty big margin. I don't think it's confidential but I'll check with an admin first before posting it, if anyone does want to know. All in all we just want people to be able to choose to play however they want and still have the same opportunities, regardless of their picked class. But it is a sticky wicket trying to make all classes shine in their own fields while staying true to the original game. As for the in game feedback, it's great to hear that it was received well and we want to continue doing this as well as other community involved 'events' to make sure we are staying in touch with our dedicated and passionate playerbase! The game tester idea was brought up a while ago, but with the recent update needing a few fixes we've had to put things like that on the back burner. Now would be a good time to look at what kind of infrastructure would be needed for it and light that fire again. We do also have a pretty solid and varied group right now on staff that enjoy and experience just about all aspects of the game, from playing as Ironman characters to selling leech and participating in end-game bossing.
This is important thread. Me and my friends are really happy that you respect players opinion and you are able to make such a hard decision to revert changes that you probably worked on for a while. Thank you for that.