Happily bm was way better than i expected, but still not sure why isn't he considered as attacker on boss runs
So um that just happend LOL another 17/3 bwg E Z @Nessi https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/y347jt8gjpqbcv5/0UUVvV1ssU.mp4
3/12 on 2nd 26 BWG LOL @Nessi first slot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/iavgkcchw1cnt0w/fSzqHFaRhh.mp4 second slot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/t1hevkdn5d47byu/rvYyWVMqbV.mp4
#9 ~settings toggle disable fireworks Spoiler: Drk OP pls NERF... I mean Puke Also completed the warrior branch:
And another one! ez level up in pap +5k nx 4th and probably last for a long time! time to focus on bm range!
Always gotta solo auf on my attacker before i can consider it finished that was painful please kill me
Getting 5k from fairy should be accomplishment since they nerfed the hell out of this area, new content? many people enjoy it?! lets nerf it!
Finally after 5 and a half years of on and off playing and mostly playing on weekends, I finally reached 10k range with mw20 for the first time! My first completed quest after server wipe long long ago
So this is the 3rd character I've self-leeched to level 135 with my Bishop and lemme tell you it gets increasingly slowed the higher level your Bishop is, especially for those lower level leeching zones. For my Corsair my Bishop was level 157, for my Marksman he was 162 & 163 and now, for my Buccaneer, he's 167. Instead of straightforward leeching through the regular leeching area I've decided that I'm not doing the Monster Card grinding "solo" as I did with my Marksman. This time I decided to self-leech while collecting Monster Cards. So now I'm sat at 135 with no more base INT left, though I still need to remove another 30-ish amount of AP from MP (base HP my bucc will be able to reach with all the MP washing will be 27k clean including the level 70 HP quest at level 200) And I have 395 card sets. Still missing the ToT bosses, Zak, Krex, HH and BF so it's only a matter of time until I get to 400. Legendary Collector basically guaranteed at this point. Pretty pleased with myself ngl